Latest CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English

The best way to prepare apart from completing NCERT and reference books is solving CBSE Sample Papers. On Ribblu you will find Latest CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English in PDF as per CBSE , NCERT and KVS pattern. Both unsolved and solved English sample papers of class 9 have been uploaded by various students and teachers and are as per latest Class 9 English syllabus. Students must download and practice to get better marks in exams.

Download Free Printable CBSE guess papers, model papers test papers for Class 9 English along with marking scheme, by practicing these papers you will understand the pattern of questions which will be asked in the exams and prepare accordingly. The mock papers for Class 9 English have been drafted based on the latest structure released

CBSE Sample Paper for Class 9 English

Sample Paper for CBSE Class 9 for the session 2021-22

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Term Wise Syllabus

English Language And Literature

 Class –IX (2022-23)

Section- Wise Weightage

Section Weightage
A Reading Skills 20
B Writing Skills with Grammar 30
C Literature Textbook and Supplementary Text 30

Total 80

Term-I (April 2021 to September 2022)

Textbook- Beehive Supplementary Reader– Moments
Language skills

BEEHIVE L.1 The Fun they had
The Road not taken

MOMENTS L.1The lost Child
L.2 Adventures of Toto.
Group Discussions on Why I love my school. How computers help us Use of social media My first bus/ metro journey. The day I lost my way.
LISTENING Reading of short passages in class to assess listening comprehension, use of words, vocabulary, word replacement and other word based exercises including synonyms, antonyms etc.
WRITING Article Writing: Cruelty towards Animals. Descriptive paragraph: My next door neighbours The weekly market.
Tenses: Simple Present, Simple Past, Future Tense gap filling exercises in contextual passage.
Prepositions : Of, from, with, in, on, at, into, across, along, beside, between, among, etc.
Gap filling exercises in contextual passages
Transformation of sentences Simple to compound Simple to complex

READING-Unseen Factual Passage And MCQs, Fill Ups and Quiz
BEEHIVE L.2 The sound of musicEvelyn Glennie
Ustaad Bismillah Khan

L3.Iswaran the story Teller
Speaking:Discussion in class based on difficulties we face in our day to day lives and how we overcome these problems. Base discussions around life skills like dealing with stress, problem solving, dealing with emotions, empathy etc. Encourage role play and Group work. Writing Story ;Writing short stories using visual and verbal input, stories should be based on the content taught.Diary Writing:You have just returned after watching a music competition, Write a diary page about how you felt.
Descriptive paragraph on A place you visited last week. Reading:Unseen Passages (factual) one passage every week to familiarize students with basic facts and the art of writing very short answers. Reading for comprehension, critical evaluation inference and analysis to be tested.
Grammar Integrated exercise for Error correction and Omission with Grammar topics done so far. Determiners Conjunctions
Modals: Can/could/ shall / should/ will/would / must/ ought to / need to /have to/ had to. Clauses:noun and adverbial and Relative Clauses the use of who, whom, whose, which, how, where, When and their use in error correction Sentence Recording and Sentence Transformation

BEEHIVE P.3 Rain on the Roof L.3 The little girl P.4 The lake of isle of Innisfree L.4 Truly beautiful mind L.5 The Snake and the mirror. P.5 A legend of the Northland. L.6 My childhood. Moments L.4 In the kingdom of Fools ( Use cal lab material to facilitate.) L.5 The Happy Prince
Writing Article Writing on Using water wisely, Respecting girls. Story writing;150-200 words About: How relationships give emotional support. A misadventure at a picnic spot (Develop hints in the form of incomplete sentences / Phrases to give a beginning
Descriptive Paragraph(Word limit 150-200 words) My friends and family, The sky at night. Writing Skills. Diary entry:Last night a rat entered your room write your experience in your diary.
Reading skills Reading and Comprehension of discursive passages and practice of writing   short   answers   and vocabulary, related to the passage
Practice story writing inspired by the Lessons and Poems done so far on themes like childhood , charity, chance encounters with animals and natural beauty
Speaking about your pet at home Reaching school on a rainy day, Virtues like sacrifice and love are ennobling and other discussions based on life skills.

Reading of passages in class to assess listening comprehension, use of words, vocabulary, word replacement identifying structures of Grammar, Nominalization etc.

( All type of questions -short answer, RTC’s from literature portion, long answers (100-150 words ),Writing skills: Diary entry / Article, Story Writing, Descriptive Paragraph based on place, event, person .(100-150 words). For writing sections take topics inspired from text books. Integrated Grammar
Grammar Reported Speech: Statements and Questions , Commands and Requests.
Active Passive Re ordering words and phrases to form sentences Integrated Grammar Practice

Mid Term Exams Term –II (October 2021 to March 2022)

Text book- Beehive Supplementary Reader – Moments Language skills Grammar
BEEHIVE L.7 Packing P.6 No Men Are Foreign MOMENTS L.6 Weathering The Storm in Ersama Writing Skills
Diary Entry: You helped victims of a natural / man made disaster. Write a diary entry about how you felt. Descriptive Paragraph: A fire drill in the morning assembly. A holiday you will never forget. Story Writing: based on school trips, picnics and other content.150 -200 words
Prepositions Clauses: noun, adverbial (time and condition), relative clause, gap filling exercises Modals Use to Can/ Could, shall/ Should, Will/Would, Must, Ought to, need to, have to , had to, Reordering of words to make meaningful sentences. Integrated grammar practice with all topics covered so far.
BEEHIVE P.7 The duck and the Kangaroo L.8 Reach for the top Santosh Yadav Maria Sharapova P.8 On Killing a Tree MOMENTS The last leaf A house Is not a home

Speaking skills: Pair work and Group work to discuss ‘Can we say no to products which cause destruction of our resources’. Trees are our Friends.
Use of Trees.
Other environmental issues
Writing: Importance of Hard work. Save trees save life.
Descriptive Paragraph: Planting saplings in school during ‘Vanmahotsava’
Story Writing: Writing a story using animals as characters.150 – 200 words
Story about how hard work paves the way to success.
Determiners Reported speech: Commands and requests, statements and Questions Subject: Verb Concord
BEEHIVEThe bond of love KathmanduThe Snake TryingA slumber did my spirit sealL.11 If I were you
MOMENTSThe accidental Tourist The Beggar
Speaking Skills: Discussion in class about “We must love all creations of God”. Article Writing: Cruelty to animals must stop. 100 – 150 words Diary Entry: You bought a pet home, write a Diary page describing your feelings.100-150 words Story Writing: Stories based on special bond with animals. The joy of having a pet Descriptive: A paragraph on ‘A temple in my neighbourhood’. A beggar at the red light. Transformation of sentences : Active passive voice, Reported Speech, Gap Filling exercises Integrated Grammar practice. Integrated Grammar practice

All types of questions (Long, short answer , RTC, Etc) from prescribed Literature syllabus. Writing Skill-Diary entry, article, Story Writing, Descriptive Paragraph on person/place/event. Integrated grammar exercises Revision Revision of syllabus from text book and support material

Syllabus Source : Edudel Delhi

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