Verbs Worksheets For CBSE Class 3

Verbs are words that show action. They tell us what people, animals and things are,
what they have, and what they do, think, say or feel.
Fana’s mother is a teacher. (what the doer is)
My father has a white car. (what the doer has)
I was happy to see my aunt. (what the doer feels and does)
I wrote two letters this morning. (what the doer does)
Neil said hello to his aunt when he met her. (what the doer says and does)

Verbs Worksheets For CBSE Class 3 in PDF

Verbs Exercises for Class 3 with answers

Exercise – 1

Identify the verb in each of the following sentences:

  1. She sings beautifully.
    Answer: sings
  2. They are playing football in the park.
    Answer: playing
  3. I have finished my homework.
    Answer: finished
  4. He will be arriving soon.
    Answer:: arriving
  5. The sun sets in the west.
    Answer: sets

Exercise 2:

Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form:

  1. I _____ (to be) a doctor.
    Answer: am
  2. She _____ (to dance) very well.
    Answer: dances
  3. They _____ (to play) basketball every Saturday.
    Answer: play
  4. We _____ (to eat) breakfast together every morning.
    Answer: eat
  5. He _____ (to study) for his exams at the library.
    Answer: is studying

Exercise 3:

Rewrite the following sentences in the past tense:

  1. She walks to school every day.
    Answer: She walked to school every day.
  2. He plays tennis with his friends.
    Answer: He played tennis with his friends.
  3. They study together at the library.
    Answer: They studied together at the library.
  4. She sings beautifully.
    Answer: She sang beautifully.
  5. We have dinner at 7 pm.
    Answer: We had dinner at 7 pm.

Exercise 4:

Change the following sentences into questions:

  1. She is watching a movie.
    Answer: Is she watching a movie?
  2. They have finished their work.
    Answer: Have they finished their work?
  3. He will be arriving soon.
    Answer: Will he be arriving soon?
  4. The sun rises in the east.
    Answer: Does the sun rise in the east?
  5. We are going to the beach tomorrow.
    Answer: Are we going to the beach tomorrow?

Exercise 5:

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with suitable verbs from the ones
given in brackets.

  1. My dog __________________its tail when it sees me. (wag/wags)
  2. Hens ______________ eggs. (lays/lay)
  3. My brother ________________a blue car. (drive/drives)
  4. We must ________________our teeth twice a day. (brushes/brush)
  5. Raindrops __________________on our roof. (fall/falls)

Answers :

  1. wags
  2. lays
  3. drives
  4. brush
  5. falls

Exercise 6 : Identifying Verbs

Underline the verbs in the following sentences:

a) The cat sleeps on the mat.
b) Sarah plays the piano beautifully.
c) The birds are chirping in the tree.
d) Tom and Jerry watched a movie together.
e) The flowers bloom in spring.

a) The cat sleeps on the mat.
b) Sarah plays the piano beautifully.
c) The birds are chirping in the tree.
d) Tom and Jerry watched a movie together.
e) The flowers bloom in spring.

Exercise 7 : Verb Tenses

Write the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentences:

a) The children (play) in the park yesterday.
b) She (is writing) a letter to her friend.
c) They (will swim) in the pool tomorrow.
d) Peter (has eaten) his lunch already.
e) We (are going) to the zoo next week.

a) The children played in the park yesterday.
b) She is writing a letter to her friend.
c) They will swim in the pool tomorrow.
d) Peter has eaten his lunch already.
e) We are going to the zoo next week.

Exercise 8: Changing Verbs to Past Tense

Change the verbs to past tense:

a) dance – ______________
b) jump – ______________
c) run – ______________
d) sing – ______________
e) play – ______________

a) danced
b) jumped
c) ran
d) sang
e) played

Exercise 9 : Complete the Sentences

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs:

a) She ______________ a book now.
b) They ______________ in the park yesterday.
c) We ______________ our homework every day.
d) He ______________ a new toy last week.
e) The cat ______________ on the window sill.

a) reads
b) played
c) do
d) got
e) sits

Exercise 10:

Fill in the blanks using the correct verbs from those given below.
like, helps, washes , reads , smiles

  1. Deepak is a friendly boy. He_______________ at everyone.
  2. My uncle is kind. He __________________all his friends.
  3. Malini is a helpful girl. Her classmates ______________ her.
  4. Matilda is a clever girl. She _________________very fast.
  5. My friend has healthy habits. He ___________his hands before eating.

Answers :

  1. smiles
  2. helps
  3. like
  4. reads
  5. washes

Exercise 11 : Choosing the Correct Verb

Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence:

a) The birds ______________ in the sky.
b) She ______________ to the music.
c) They ______________ games after school.
d) He ______________ a story.
e) We ______________ to the park on Sundays.

a) fly
b) listens
c) play
d) writes
e) go

Practice Worksheet 1 :

Choose the correct verbs from brackets and rewrite the sentences.

  1. Ships (fly/sail) across the sea but trains (gallop/run) on rails. _______________________________________________________________
  2. The soldiers (walked/marched) through the town. _______________________________________________________________
  3. The boy (threw/kicked) the football through the goal. ________________________________________________________________
  4. The wind (blows/flows) but the rain (falls/rises). _________________________________________________________________
  5. The cat (ran/chased) the mouse down the room __________________________________________________________________

Practice Worksheet 2:

Fill in the blanks with the infinitive or simple infinitive form of the verbs given in brackets.

  1. I want ………………………………………………………… (go) home early.
  2. Fiza needs ………………………………………………………… (take) care of his health.
  3. We love ………………………………………………………… (watch) movies.
  4. Anum really knows how ……………………………………………… (sing) well!
  5. They forgot ……………………. (bake) the birthday cake.
Verbs Worksheet for CBSE Class 3 in PDF Format