Adjective Worksheets For CBSE Class 5

An adjective is used to describe a noun or a pronoun. It answers the questions whose, what kind, which one, how many or how much.

My brother is standing alone. (Whose brother?)
The big elephant trumpeted loudly. (What kind of elephant?) This car belongs to Mr Stephen. (Which car?)
Three birds sat on a branch. (How many birds?)
There was a lot of money in the bag. (How much money?)

Adjectives Worksheets For Class 5 in PDF

Adjectives worksheets for Class 5 English with Answers

Q.1 Identify the adjectives in each sentence and write them in the space provided. Then, check your answers at the bottom

  1. The happy children played in the park.
  2. I saw a big, red balloon at the fair.
  3. The green leaves rustled in the wind.
  4. She wore a beautiful dress to the party.
  5. The hungry cat eagerly ate its food.
  6. The tall, old tree stood in the middle of the forest.
  7. We had a fun time at the carnival.
  8. The smart student answered all the questions correctly.
  9. My purple backpack is heavy.
  10. The fast car raced down the highway.

Answers :

  1. happy
  2. big, red
  3. green
  4. beautiful
  5. hungry
  6. tall, old
  7. fun
  8. smart
  9. purple
  10. fast

Q.2 Choose the correct adjective to complete each sentence.

  1. The ________ flowers smelled sweet. (beautiful / smelly)
    Answer: beautiful
  2. She received a ________ gift on her birthday. (shiny / boring)
    Answer: shiny
  3. The ________ cat climbed the tree. (sleepy / energetic)
    Answer: sleepy
  4. He is a ________ singer. (talented / lazy)
    Answer: talented
  5. The ________ child laughed and played. (sad / happy)
    Answer: happy

Q.3 Identify the adjective(s) in each sentence.

  1. The old man walked slowly.
    Answer: old, slowly
  2. The strong wind blew the leaves away.
    Answer: strong
  3. I have three blue pens.
    Answer: three, blue
  4. The tall girl is my best friend.
    Answer: tall, best
  5. The cute puppy played in the park.
    Answer: cute
  6. The tall giraffe reached for the leaves.
    Answer: tall
  7. The beautiful sunset painted the sky with vibrant colors.
    Answer: beautiful, vibrant
  8. The old man walked slowly down the street.
    Answer: old, slowly
  9. She has a small, fluffy dog.
    Answer: small, fluffy
  10. The red apple tasted sweet and juicy.
    Answer: red, sweet, juicy
  11. The young girl skipped happily in the park.
    Answer: young, happily
  12. The big, blue whale swam gracefully in the ocean.
    Answer: big, blue, graceful

Q.4 Circle the suitable adjectives in the following sentences.

  1. (My/This) brother saw a (strange/familiar) creature tha looked like a dinosaur.
  2. The tamarind chutney was so (sweet/sour) that it gave me a sore throat.
  3. The (proud/modest) athlete gave all the credit to his (few/two) coaches.
  4. The flowers in the vase were (real/fat).
  5. (Some/This) archaeologists have found the ruins of an (ancient/energetic) temple near Varanasi.
  6. (My/Five) sister bought a (lonely/beautiful) hat with a (long/fat) (whiter/ white) feather on it.

Answers :

  1. My, strange
  2. sour
  3. modest, two
  4. real
  5. some, ancient
  6. my, beautiful, long, white

Q.5 Write a sentence using the following adjectives.

  1. Enormous
  2. Glistening
  3. Gorgeous
  4. Hilarious
  5. Melodic
  6. Radiant
  7. Slimy
  8. Tricky


  1. The elephant was enormous.
  2. The sun was glistening on the water.
  3. She wore a gorgeous dress to the party.
  4. The comedian’s jokes were hilarious.
  5. The musician played a melodic tune on the piano.
  6. The bride looked radiant on her wedding day.
  7. The frog was slimy to the touch.
  8. The puzzle was tricky to solve.

Q.6 Choose the correct adjective to complete the following sentences.

  1. The __________ puppy chased after the ball. (playful/playfull)
  2. The __________ flowers smell wonderful. (fragrant/fragrent)
  3. The __________ mountain peak was covered in snow. (majestic/majestik)
  4. The __________ giraffe had spots all over its body. (spotted/spoted)
  5. The __________ car drove down the street. (fast/fasst)
  6. The __________ ocean waves crashed against the shore. (powerful/powerfull)
  7. The __________ ice cream was delicious. (creamy/creami)
  8. The __________ sky was filled with stars. (starry/starri)


  1. playful
  2. fragrant
  3. majestic
  4. spotted
  5. fast
  6. powerful
  7. creamy
  8. starry

Q.7 Write the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives.

  1. Big
  2. Small
  3. Fast
  4. Slow
  5. Happy
  6. Sad
  7. Smart
  8. Funny


  1. Comparative: Bigger. Superlative: Biggest.
  2. Comparative: Smaller. Superlative: Smallest.
  3. Comparative: Faster. Superlative: Fastest.
  4. Comparative: Slower. Superlative: Slowest.
  5. Comparative: Happier. Superlative: Happiest.
  6. Comparative: Sadder. Superlative: Saddest.
  7. Comparative: Smarter. Superlative: Smartest.
  8. Comparative: Funnier. Superlative: Funniest.

Q.8 Rewrite each sentence, replacing the underlined word with an adjective.

  1. The dog is big.
    Answer: The dog is enormous.
  2. She is wearing a blue dress.
    Answer: She is wearing a beautiful dress.
  3. The cake tastes sweet.
    Answer: The cake tastes delicious.
  4. The road is long.
    Answer: The road is never-ending.
  5. The movie was interesting.
    Answer: The movie was captivating.

Q.9 Fill in the blank with a suitable adjective.

  1. The ___________ flowers bloomed in the garden.
    Answer: colorful
  2. The ___________ book is on the shelf.
    Answer: thick
  3. He has a ___________ voice.
    Answer: loud
  4. The ___________ cat slept on the chair.
    Answer: lazy
  5. The ___________ child was excited about the trip.
    Answer: happy

Q.10 Circle the adjective in each sentence.

  1. The red car drove quickly.
    Answer: red
  2. The tall boy played basketball.
    Answer: tall
  3. The delicious cake was eaten by everyone.
    Answer: delicious
  4. She wore a beautiful dress to the party.
    Answer: beautiful
  5. The small puppy barked loudly.
    Answer: small

Q.11 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adjective (comparative or superlative).

  1. She is ________ than her sister. (tall)
    Answer: taller
  2. This is the ________ book I have ever read. (interesting)
    Answer: most interesting
  3. The red balloon is ________ than the blue balloon. (big)
    Answer: bigger
  4. He is ________ player on the team. (good)
    Answer: the best
  5. My house is ________ to the park. (close)
    Answer: closest

Q.12 Complete each sentence with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjective.

  1. The sun is ________ than the moon. (bright)
    Answer: brighter
  2. She is ________ dancer in her class. (talented)
    Answer: the most talented
  3. This is the ________ cake I have ever tasted. (delicious)
    Answer: most delicious
  4. The cheetah is ________ animal on land. (fast)
    Answer: the fastest
  5. She is ________ than her brother. (old)
    Answer: older

Q.13 Rewrite these sentences by replacing the words in red with suitable adjectives from the box. Make appropriate changes in the sentences if required.

dirty, witty, colourful, happy, interesting, uncomfortable, fearless
  1. Sonalika likes to read books that are able to capture her interest. __________________________________________________________________________
  2. After the football match, Rohan’s shoes were covered with dirt. __________________________________________________________________________
  3. After the rains, there appeared a rainbow full of colour in the sky. __________________________________________________________________________
  4. When Varun saw his result, he was full of happiness. __________________________________________________________________________
  5. Abhimanyu is a man without fear. __________________________________________________________________________
  6. Saransh is intelligent and full of wit. __________________________________________________________________________
  7. Farooq’s bus journey to Leh was without any comfort. __________________________________________________________________________

Answers :

  1. Sonalika likes to read books that are interesting enough to capture her interest.
  2. After the football match, Rohan’s shoes were dirty, covered with dirt.
  3. After the rains, there appeared a colorful rainbow in the sky.
  4. When Varun saw his result, he was happy.
  5. Abhimanyu is a fearless man.
  6. Saransh is witty and intelligent.
  7. Farooq’s bus journey to Leh was uncomfortable, without any comfort.

Q.14 Underline the possessive adjectives and circle the possessive pronouns.

  1. John is tall. His feet are big. These shoes are his.
  2. This letter isn’t mine. It is his letter.
  3. Our parents impart good values to us.
  4. Are those chocolates yours? My chocolates are in that box.
  5. My hair is brown. It is not black like yours.

Answers :

  1. John is tall. His feet are big. These shoes are his.
  2. This letter isn’t mine. It is his letter.
  3. Our parents impart good values to us.
  4. Are those chocolates yours? My chocolates are in that box.
  5. My hair is brown. It is not black like yours.

MCQ’s (Multiple Choice Questions ) on Adjectives with answers

  1. Identify the adjectives in the sentence:
    The big brown dog chased the small white cat.
    Answer: big, brown, small, white
  1. Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentence:
    The _____ car drove down the street.
    a) red
    b) read
    c) rad
    Answer: a) red
  1. Identify the adjectives in the sentence:
    The happy children played in the park all day.
    Answer: happy
  1. Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentence:
    The _____ sun was shining brightly in the sky.
    a) yellow
    b) mellow
    c) fellow
    Answer: a) yellow
  1. Identify the adjectives in the sentence:
    The tall, thin man wore a black suit and tie.
    Answer: tall, thin, black
  1. Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentence:
    The _____ flowers in the garden smelled sweet.
    a) colorful
    b) careful
    c) cheerful
    Answer: a) colorful
  1. Identify the adjectives in the sentence:
    The old wooden chair creaked when I sat on it.
    Answer: old, wooden
  1. Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentence:
    The _____ airplane flew high in the sky.
    a) fast
    b) past
    c) vast
    Answer: c) vast
  1. Identify the adjectives in the sentence:
    The hot, steamy soup warmed me up on a cold day.
    Answer: hot, steamy, cold
  1. Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentence:
    The _____ movie was scary and made me jump.
    a) boring
    b) exploring
    c) horrifying
    Answer: c) horrifying
  2. Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentence:
    The _____ apple fell from the tree.
    a) red
    b) read
    c) rad
    Answer: a) red
  3. Identify the adjectives in the sentence:
    The old, rusty car sputtered down the road.
    Answer: old, rusty
  4. Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentence:
    The _____ flowers in the garden were beautiful.
    a) colorful
    b) careful
    c) cheerful
    Answer: a) colorful
  5. Identify the adjectives in the sentence:
    The fluffy, white clouds floated across the blue sky.
    Answer: fluffy, white, blue
  6. Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentence:
    The _____ bird sang a sweet melody.
    a) pretty
    b) petty
    c) patty
    Answer: a) pretty
  7. Identify the adjectives in the sentence:
    The small, round pebbles crunched under my feet.
    Answer: small, round
  8. Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentence:
    The _____ puppy was so cute and cuddly.
    a) furry
    b) fury
    c) furyless
    Answer: a) furry
Adjectives Exercises for CBSE Class 5 in PDF Format

What Are Adjectives?

Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns or pronouns. They provide us with more information about the nouns they accompany. Think of nouns as the “who” or “what” in a sentence, and adjectives as the words that tell us more about these nouns. Adjectives can describe qualities, characteristics, sizes, colors, and more.

Describing Qualities:

Adjectives help us describe the qualities or attributes of people, places, or things. For example, we can say, “The happy child played in the park.” Here, “happy” is an adjective that tells us what kind of child we are talking about. It paints a picture of the child’s emotion.

Size and Quantity:

Adjectives also help us express size and quantity. We can say, “The tiny kitten chased the five colorful balls.” “Tiny” and “five” are adjectives that provide information about the size and number of the objects.

Colors: Adjectives are our go-to words when we want to describe colors. For instance, “She wore a red dress to the party.” In this sentence, “red” tells us the color of the dress.

Comparison: Adjectives can help us compare things. We use comparative and superlative adjectives to indicate whether something is more or less than another. For example, “This cake is sweeter than the one we had yesterday,” or “Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.”

Why Are Adjectives Important?

  1. Vivid Description: Adjectives make our writing and speech more vivid and interesting. They allow us to create mental images and engage our reader’s imagination.
  2. Clarity: Adjectives clarify the meaning of nouns. They help us distinguish between objects that might otherwise sound too similar.
  3. Express Emotions: Adjectives enable us to express emotions and feelings, making our communication more personal and relatable.
  4. Enhance Storytelling: When telling stories or describing experiences, adjectives make our narratives come alive, making them more engaging for our audience.

Adjectives of Quality

Adjectives of quality tell us about the quality of something. They answer the question what kind.

There were white swans in the lake.
The Gwalior Fort in Madhya Pradesh is very beautiful.

Adjectives of Quantity and Number

Adjectives of quantity answer the question how much. They are usually used with uncountable nouns.

Give me some money.
I don’t have much work to do.

Adjectives of number answer the question how many. They are usually used with countable nouns.

There are seven marbles in the box

Demonstrative Adjectives

A Demonstrative adjective points out a specific person, animal, place or thing. It answers the question which one. The demonstrative adjectives in English are this, these, that and those.

This bike is not mine.
I don’t like those curtains.

In conclusion, adjectives are like magical brushes in the world of words. They help us paint colorful pictures in the minds of our readers or listeners. Whether we want to describe qualities, sizes, colors, or emotions, adjectives are our faithful companions. So, let’s embrace adjectives in our writing and speech, and let our language come to life with the beauty and richness they provide.