Verbs Worksheets For CBSE Class 5

Verbs express action, being and possession. We cannot form a sentence without a verb. Sometimes we use more than one word to form the verb in a sentence.

  • Smita walks in the garden. (one word) Smita is walking in the garden. (two words)
  • Some verbs express actions. go sit run crawl scream
  • Different forms of the verb be tell us what a person or a thing is. is are am was were been being
  • Different forms of the verb have show possession or belonging. has have had
  • The verbs be, have and do can be used both as main verbs and as helping verbs. He is a handsome boy. (main verb)
    Ria is going to school. (helping verb)
    Sam has a pet dog. (main verb)
  • Sam has completed his work. (helping verb)
    I do my work very fast. (main verb)
    He does not go to bed before 9 p.m. (helping verb)

Verbs Worksheets For CBSE Class 5 in PDF Format

Verbs Practice Exercises for Class 5 with Answers

State whether the highlighted verbs are transitive (T) or intransitive (I).

  1. Birds fly.
  2. Mary Kom won the bout.
  3. A light was shining.
  4. I love my dog.
  5. Please speak softly.
  6. The minister boarded the aircraft.
  7. She sang beautifully.
  8. Mona loves mangoes.
  9. Open the window.
  10. The sun was setting.
  11. He left the gift on the table.
  12. They sang the national anthem.
  13. She set the chair next to the bed.
  14. The man grabbed the bag from the old lady.
  15. Grandpa laughed out loud.
  16. The receptionist gave the room key to the guest.

Answers :

  1. Intransitive
  2. Transitive
  3. Intransitive
  4. Intransitive
  5. Intransitive
  6. Transitive
  7. Intransitive
  8. Transitive
  9. Transitive
  10. Intransitive
  11. Transitive
  12. Transitive
  13. Transitive
  14. Transitive
  15. Intransitive
  16. Transitive

Complete each sentence choosing the correct verb from options in the bracket.
( were,      has,      have(2),      do,      does,      are,      was(2) )

  1. There _______________a bathtub in the hotel room.
  2. Where _______________ you kept my cap?
  3. Where _______________ the keys to the house?
  4. How _______________ magicians perform their tricks?
  5. Where _______________ Shilpa live?
  6. How _______________ many students paid the fees?
  7. _____________________Roohi eaten all the biscuits?
  8. Tara said, ‘I _____________going to the market. There too many buses on the road causing a traffic jam. I had to come back home.’

Answers :
1. was
2. have
3. are
4. do
5. does
6. have
7. has
8. am

Write a verb in each blank. Use the correct forms of the VERBS:

  1. Can you ………………………… a motorbike?
  2. Tim can ………………………… the guitar?
  3. Sam is ………………………….. milk at the moment?
  4. Emma can ……………………. Spanish and German, but her sister can’t.
  5. I’m ……………………………… my homework now.
  6. “………………………………. your name, please.”
  7. “G-A-R-R-Y” Excuse me. Can I …………………………. you a question?
  8. Please go to the supermarket and ……………………….. some cheese.
  9. He is …………………………. water now because he is thirsty.
  10. Every weekend they …………………………….. their thirsty.
  11. Listen! Jack is …………………………. a song.
  12. Can you ………………………. me, please? I can’t carry these bags.
  13. My dog and his cat are ……………………………now. My dog doesn’t like cats.
  14. There is a party in Ann’s house. They are playing music. and …………………….


  1. ride
  2. you play
  3. drinking
  4. speak
  5. doing
  6. May I Know
  7. ask
  8. buy
  9. drinking
  10. feel
  11. singing
  12. help
  13. fighting
  14. dancing

Complete the story. Use the verbs in the brackets:

Last year I went (go) on holiday. I ……………… (drive) to the sea with my friend. On
the first day we ……………… (look) at the beautiful buildings and ……………. (eat) in lots of
restaurants. The next day ……………… (be) very hot so we …………….. (drive) to the sea. We ……………….. (leave) our clothes in the car and ………………… (sunbathe) and …………….
(swim) all day. At six o’clock we ………………. (walk) to our car, but the car ……………(be)
there. We ……………… (buy) some clothes and ………………. (go) to the Police Station. The
police ……………. (be) nice and we …………….. (sleep) in the police station.


  • drove
  • looked
  • ate
  • it was
  • drove
  • left
  • sunbathed
  • swim
  • walked
  • was not
  • bought
  • went
  • were
  • slept

Circle the subject in each sentence and Tick () the correct verb of the ones given in brackets.

  1. The people in my neighbourhood (is/are) very helpful.
  2. The plants in the garden (need/needs) to be watered.
  3. All students except Susan (plan/plans) to attend the school picnic.
  4. Simran (want/wants) to travel around Africa.
  5. This book by A.K. Ramanujan (has/have) good stories.
  6. Any student who is late to school (is/are) sent home.
  7. A few branches of the neem tree in my garden (has/have) broken in the storm.

State whether the verbs in red are transitive or intransitive.

  1. The bookseller sold some books to the boy. _____________________________
  2. The little boy cried when his toy broke. _____________________________
  3. The sun rose up in the sky. _____________________________
  4. I took a bus to my uncle’s house. _____________________________
  5. She understood the question the teacher had asked. _____________________________
  6. Yes, I don’t like people who tell lies. _____________________________
  7. I wrote a letter to my friend in England. _____________________________
  8. Sunita bought a new dictionary. _____________________________
Verb Worksheets for CBSE Class 5 in PDF Format