CBSE Class 2 English Grammar Worksheets

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Class 2 English Grammar Exercises with Answers

Exercise 1 :

Underline the nouns in the following sentences.

  1. Ghous is going to the market.
  2. The chef made onion soup for the old lady.
  3. Maira and Alisha will attend their friend’s wedding.
  4. The author attended the book launch.
  5. Please tell me Rimsha did not go to the theatre alone!
  6. The stars are twinkling beautifully in the night sky.
  7. Will you be my friend?
  8. The lion was hungry.
  9. The lamb and the dog became friends.
  10. If you want, I could get your sister from school.
  11. Rahila went to the mall yesterday.
  12. My parents are both doctors.
  13. The kittens played in the sunny garden.
  14. Jack wants to become a pirate when he grows up.
  15. Are you going to eat that slice of cake?


  1. Ghous is going to the market.
  2. The chef made onion soup for the old lady.
  3. Maira and Alisha will attend their friend’s wedding.
  4. The author attended the book launch.
  5. Please tell me Rimsha did not go to the theatre alone!
  6. The stars are twinkling beautifully in the night sky.
  7. Will you be my friend?
  8. The lion was hungry.
  9. The lamb and the dog became friends.
  10. If you want, I could get your sister from school.
  11. Rahila went to the mall yesterday.
  12. My parents are both doctors.
  13. The kittens played in the sunny garden.
  14. Jack wants to become a pirate when he grows up.
  15. Are you going to eat that slice of cake?

Exercise 2 :

Pick out the nouns from the following sentences and write them in the blanks. Say whether they are proper or common.

  1. The football went flying into the net. ……………………….
  2. The teacher set us some homework. ……………………….
  3. Tom loves to get wet in the rain. ……………………….
  4. We decorated our classroom with balloons and streamers. ……………………….
  5. Nana and I will go to the market this morning. ……………………….
  6. The animals on the farm were always fed well. ……………………….
  7. The telephone is ringing. ……………………….
  8. I ate a pizza and drank a glass of juice. ……………………….
  9. We get water from a tap. ……………………….
  10. The doctor gave me some medicine. ……………………….

Answers :

  1. football; net–common
  2. teacher; homework–common
  3. Tom–proper; rain–common
  4. classroom; balloons; streamers–common
  5. Nana–proper; market–common
  6. animals; farm–common
  7. telephone–common
  8. pizza; glass; juice–common
  9. water; tap–common
  10. doctor; medicine–common

Exercise 3:

Pick out the nouns from the following sentences and state whether they are proper or common.

  1. My mother took Nina to the shop.
  2. The Eiffel Tower is in Paris.
  3. Rashid goes to a school called Verdant Valley.
  4. The baby was asleep in its cot.
  5. The Chenab flows through our city.
  6. The garden is full of beautiful flowers.
  7. Rina loves roses but Sana likes lilies.
  8. I have a pet rabbit called Popo.
  9. Rana took his shirt out of the cupboard.
  10. Anila is a big girl and can look after her little brother.


  1. mother; shop–common
  2. Eiffel Tower; Paris–proper
  3. Rashid; Verdant Valley–proper school–common
  4. baby; cot–common
  5. Chenab–proper
  6. garden; flowers–common
  7. Rina; Sana–proper
    roses; lilies–common
  8. rabbit–common
  9. Rana–proper
    shirt; cupboard–common
  10. Anila–proper
    girl; brother–common

Exercise 4:

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the noun given in the brackets:

  1. There is a ………………………. (book) on the table.
  2. There are ten ………………………. (pencil) in the box.
  3. My elder brother has a new ………………………. (computer).
  4. I have two ………………………. (sister).
  5. Ali is the older of the two ………………………. (brother).
  6. The ………………………. (wall) of her room are painted blue.
  7. Three of the ………………………. (door) of the room have been painted white, but the fourth has been
    painted blue.
  8. The new ………………………. (car), which Mary’s father has bought, is red in colour.
  9. Porter and Preston are riding their ………………………. (bike).
  10. All the ………………………. (room) have three windows.
  11. How many ………………………. (book) do you have in your bag?
  12. Two ………………………. (guard) rushed to the gate immediately.
  13. The ………………………. (tree) were covered with flowers.
  14. There is only one ………………………. (sun) but many ………………………. (star) in the sky.
  15. A group of ………………………. (dancer) form a troupe.
  16. There is an ………………………. (apple) on the table.
  17. Every ………………………. (patient) must go to the hospital to see the doctor.
  18. My mother has many ………………………. (photograph) of me as a baby.
  19. My sister shares her ………………………. (toy) with me.
  20. Sadia has two ………………………. (pet)—a tortoise and a mouse


  1. book
  2. pencils
  3. computer
  4. sisters
  5. brothers
  6. walls
  7. doors
  8. car
  9. bikes
  10. rooms
  11. books
  12. guards
  13. trees
  14. sun; stars
  15. dancers.
  16. apple
  17. patient
  18. photographs
  19. toys/toy
  20. pets

Exercise 5:

Given below are some nouns. Write down which are male and which are female and the opposite gender of each.

  1. peahen …………………………… ……………………………
  2. king …………………………… ……………………………
  3. lady …………………………… ……………………………
  4. uncle …………………………… ……………………………
  5. bull …………………………… ……………………………
  6. grandfather …………………………… ……………………………
  7. mother …………………………… ……………………………
  8. mare …………………………… ……………………………
  9. sister …………………………… ……………………………
  10. tiger …………………………… ……………………………
  11. ram …………………………… ……………………………
  12. witch …………………………… ……………………………
  13. nephew …………………………… ……………………………
  14. hen …………………………… ……………………………
  15. son …………………………… ……………………………
  16. aunt …………………………… ……………………………
  17. stepfather …………………………… ……………………………
  18. granddaughter …………………………… ……………………………
  19. lord …………………………… ……………………………
  20. lioness …………………………… ……………………………


  1. Female; peacock
  2. male; queen
  3. female; gentleman/lord
  4. male; aunt
  5. male; cow
  6. male; grandmother
  7. female; father
  8. female; horse
  9. female; brother
  10. male; tigress
  11. male; ewe
  12. female; wizard
  13. male; niece
  14. female; cock
  15. male; daughter
  16. female; uncle
  17. male; stepmother
  18. female; grandson
  19. male; lady
  20. female; lion

Exercise 6:

Underline the adjectives in the following sentences.

  1. Dark clouds filled the sky.
  2. The flowers are beautiful.
  3. Neha is wearing a red dress.
  4. Is it a blue shirt that you are wearing?
  5. The little rabbit hopped away.
  6. I am sad.
  7. Tom is happy because he has a new bag.
  8. Put the big kettle on the stove so that we can all have hot tea.
  9. Tom and Jerry cartoons are funny.
  10. The table and chairs are new.
  11. The little black duckling was ugly.
  12. Tina wore brown shoes to school every day.
  13. The lion opened his mouth in a huge yawn.
  14. There is a large playground in front of the school.
  15. Raza picked up the big jug and poured out the lemonade.
  16. The fairy waved her magic wand and a large pumpkin appeared.
  17. The giant was greedy and lazy.
  18. We had a wonderful time at the fair.
  19. The sums are easy.
  20. The water of the lake was cool and clear.


  1. Dark clouds filled the sky.
  2. The flowers are beautiful.
  3. Neha is wearing a red dress.
  4. Is it a blue shirt that you are wearing?
  5. The little rabbit hopped away.
  6. I am sad.
  7. Tom is happy because he has a new bag.
  8. Put the big kettle on the stove so that we can all have hot tea.
  9. Tom and Jerry cartoons are funny.
  10. The table and chairs are new.
  11. The little black duckling was ugly.
  12. Tina wore brown shoes to school every day.
  13. The lion opened his mouth in a huge yawn.
  14. There is a large playground in front of the school.
  15. Raza picked up the big jug and poured out the lemonade.
  16. The fairy waved her magic wand and a large pumpkin appeared.
  17. The giant was greedy and lazy.
  18. We had a wonderful time at the fair.
  19. The sums are easy.
  20. The water of the lake was cool and clear

Exercise 7:

Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs.

  1. The monkeys were ……………………………………… from the tree.
  2. Will you ……………………………………… to the party?
  3. Arham and Sarah want to ……………………………………… cake.
  4. Mary ……………………………………… at the joke.
  5. The lamb ……………………………………… loudly.
  6. Abdullah ……………………………………… across the English Channel.
  7. My friend can ……………………………………… a car.
  8. The policeman ……………………………………… the thief.
  9. The actor ……………………………………… really well.
  10. I ……………………………………… the book fairly quickly.
  11. Do you want to ……………………………………… a movie?
  12. Mrs Woolfe ……………………………………… a letter.
  13. Won’t you ……………………………………… a song?
  14. My sister ……………………………………… the ballet.
  15. The puppy ……………………………………… into my bed.


  1. swinging/hanging
  2. go
  3. eat
  4. laughed/smiled
  5. bleated
  6. swum
  7. drive
  8. arrested/caught
  9. performed/acted
  10. read
  11. watch
  12. wrote
  13. sing
  14. dances
  15. crawled

Exercise 8:

Fill in the blanks with is or are.

  1. Mala ……………………… happy but her friends ………………………. not.
  2. Faisal and Aleem ………………………. brothers.
  3. This mango ………………………. sweet, but those apples ………………………. sour.
  4. The carpet ………………………. a thick one.
  5. The chocolates ………………………. simply delicious.
  6. Those insects ………………………. just houseflies.
  7. The mango ………………………. my favourite fruit.
  8. My father ………………………. in Sukkur, and we ………………………. here on a visit.
  9. Bobo …………………………. ready to cut the cake. His friends …………………………. waiting to clap.
  10. These flowers ………………………. beautiful.


  1. is; are
  2. are
  3. is; are
  4. is
  5. are
  6. are
  7. is
  8. is; are
  9. is; are
  10. are

Exercise 9:

Fill in the blanks with was or were.

  1. The children ………………………. spending their vacation at the farm.
  2. Their Aunt Anna ………………………. looking after them.
  3. They saw the ducks which ………………………. waddling about.
  4. One duck ………………………. swimming in the pond.
  5. The little lambs ………………………. playing round their mother.
  6. The children thought the lambs ………………………. cute.
  7. A cow ………………………. grazing in the field.
  8. The maids ………………………. getting ready to milk the cows.
  9. There ………………………. many empty pails in the shed.
  10. Anain ………………………. eager to milk a cow, but Aleem and Faisal ………………………. afraid to go near one


  1. were
  2. was
  3. were
  4. was
  5. were
  6. were
  7. was
  8. were
  9. were
  10. was; were

Exercise 10:

Fill in the each blank correctly with am, is, are, was or were.

  1. It ………………………. really hot today.
  2. My father ………………………. a lawyer.
  3. Ashhar and Rahim ………………………. friends even now.
  4. Tahir ………………………. sick yesterday.
  5. Hawaii ………………………. in the Pacific Ocean.
  6. Our friends ………………………. coming over this evening.
  7. Shahzeb ………………………. a doctor before he became a singer.
  8. I ………………………. very fond of my parents.
  9. Tim ………………………. writing a letter to Javed now.
  10. The two sisters ………………………. cleaning their room this morning.


  1. is
  2. is
  3. are
  4. was
  5. is
  6. are
  7. was
  8. am
  9. is
  10. were

Exercise 11

Fill in the blanks with the correct -ing form of the verb given in brackets.

  1. The villagers are ………………………. under a tree. (sleep)
  2. The boys were ………………………. in the lake. (swim)
  3. I am ………………………. a letter. (write)
  4. My mother is ………………………. the cake. (bake)
  5. Mina is ………………………. the clothes out to dry. (hang)
  6. Sana was ………………………. a glass of juice. (drink)
  7. Gul is ………………………. a lovely song. (sing)
  8. My father is ………………………. a photograph of us all. (take)
  9. My aunt was ………………………. hot cocoa for us. (make)
  10. Rana is ………………………. us all to play. (call)
  11. We are ………………………. a book. (read)
  12. She was ………………………. with a doll. (play)
  13. My uncle was ………………………. a blue shirt. (wear)
  14. My friends and I are ………………………. football. (play)
  15. Jack was ………………………. loudly. (talk)
  16. I was ………………………. near the door. (stand)
  17. We are ………………………. to speak Japanese. (learn)
  18. My friends are ………………………. over today. (come)
  19. He was ………………………. very fast. (run)
  20. The man was ………………………. very fast. (speak)


  1. sleeping
  2. swimming
  3. writing
  4. baking
  5. hanging
  6. drinking
  7. singing
  8. taking
  9. making
  10. calling
  11. reading
  12. playing
  13. wearing
  14. playing
  15. talking
  16. standing
  17. learning
  18. coming
  19. running
  20. speaking

Exercise 12

Circle the common nouns and underline the proper nouns.
a) We play with Max in the park.
b) Shreya is my best friend.
c) Ms. Jennifer is my aunt.
d) The girls are studying in Queen Mary’s School.
e) It rains in the month of July.
f) Tell Arshi to bring her bag.
g) Kitty is my pet cat.
h) Mehar has a beautiful dress.
i) Nitya is going to the airport.
j) The students are going to Shimla.
k) My sister, Aanya is two years old.

Exercise 13

Put the verb to be in the correct form so that it agrees with the subject of the sentence:

  1. _________________ tired.
  2. “You _________________ wrong!” he shouted.
  3. She _________________ beautiful.
  4. We __ happy.
  5. “You _________________ doing really well,” the teacher told the class.
  6. They _________________ friendly.
  7. John _________________ naughty.
  8. Susan _________________ hard-working.
  9. The class _________________ well-behaved.
  10. _________________ clear on how to use the verb to be!

Exercise 14

Fill in the blanks below with the correct prepositions of time.

  1. My brother has a new job. He works _______________ the evening.
  2. We’re going to have a picnic _______ Saturday afternoon. Would you like to come?
  3. I’ll be finished my work _______________ an hour. Then, I can go home.
  4. When is the meeting? Is it _______________ 2:00?
  5. I like to get up really early, _______________ sunrise, when the birds start to sing.
  6. Tom’s birthday is next week, _______________ January 14.
  7. My grandfather was born _______________ the 1950s.
  8. Will we be _______________ time, or will we miss our flight?
  9. My family and I like to ski _______________ winter.
  10. Are there any holidays _______________ October?
  11. Our school cafeteria opens for lunch _______________ noon.
  12. What time does your son go to bed _______________ night?
  13. We moved to this city _______________ 2012.
  14. Are you going to do anything special _______________ your birthday?
  15. I’m not going to watch that TV show. It starts _______________ midnight!
Class 2 English Grammar Worksheets in PDF