Download CBSE Sample Paper Class 9 Social Science with Solutions
The best way to prepare apart from completing NCERT and reference books is solving CBSE Sample Papers.On Ribblu you will find Latest CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 Social Science in PDF as per CBSE | NCERT and KVS pattern. Both unsolved and solved sample papers have been uploaded by various students and teachers and are as per latest Class 9 Social Science syllabus, blueprints of 2021. Students must download and practice to get better marks in exams. Download Free Printable CBSE guess papers, model papers test papers for Class 9 Social Science along with marking scheme, by practicing these papers you will understand the pattern of questions which will be asked in the exams and prepare accordingly. The Class 9 Social Science sample papers cover each and every important topic and help all students to score higher marks. All aspiring students are required to attempt these kind of Sample Question papers in examination conditions at home which will help them to get familiarised with how to write in exams. The mock papers for Class 9 Social Science have been drafted based on the latest structure released
CBSE Sample Papers For Class 9 Social Science – 10
CBSE Sample Papers For Class 9 Social Science – 9
CBSE Sample Papers For Class 9 Social Science – 8
CBSE Sample Papers For Class 9 Social Science – 7
CBSE Sample Papers For Class 9 Social Science – 6
CBSE Sample Papers For Class 9 Social Science – 5
CBSE Sample Papers For Class 9 Social Science – 4
CBSE Sample Papers For Class 9 Social Science – 3
CBSE Sample Papers For Class 9 Social Science – 2
CBSE Sample Papers For Class 9 Social Science – 1
CBSE Sample Paper Class 9 Social Science for Practice – 3
CBSE Sample Paper Class 9 Social Science for Practice – 2
CBSE Sample Paper Class 9 Social Science for Practice – 1

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CBSE Class 9 Social Science Studies Test Papers, Unit Tests and Periodic Assessment Exams
CBSE Class 9 Social Science Studies Previous Year Question Papers
CBSE Class 9 Social Science Studies Revision Notes
CBSE Class 9 Social Science Studies Question Bank and Important Questions Chapter wise
CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 Social Science Studies
Before beginning the preparation of Class 9 Social Science by attempting Sample Papers, one needs to follow few steps and procedures in order to improve the performance in CBSE examination. At Ribblu we recommend few steps
1- Analysis of Syllabus of Class 9 Social Science: To begin with students needs to analyse the full Syllabus of Social Science for Class 9 which is drafted by school as per guidelines issued by CBSE and NCERT for upcoming Examination. By analysing students come to understanding the details about all topics and the mark weightage for each chapter and topic of Social Science.
2- Complete NCERT Social Science Book of Class 9: After understanding the syllabus, you need books to start preparing for Exams. At NCERT website you can find NCERT Books for Class 9 Social Science, which are free to download in pdf format.
3- Extra Study Materials for Class 9 Social Science: Few more things that students need for better performance in Exams are Revision Notes, Worksheets, Extra Questions, MCQs and HOTs for Class 8 Mathematics.
5- Solve Previous Year Question Papers for Class 9 Social Science: Here on students can also find previous years Question papers for Class 9 Social Science with solutions for better understanding of exam patterns and help in revision of the entire course.
On Ribblu one can find Study Materials and Educational content which is shared by students , teachers and parents based on the latest Curriculum of CBSE and NCERT.
Solving Latest year 2021 Sample Papers for Class 9 Social Science is the best option to get into perfect examination condition and prepare for Class 9 exams. By solving Class 9 Social Science Sample Papers issued by CBSE one get full understanding of the pattern of examination paper and thus increase knowledge of how to address the questions given in the question papers and also focus on all important topics which are again and again asked in exams. Students should take support of parents to create exam like conditions at home and solve these 2021 sample papers for Social Science.
What are CBSE Sample Papers?
Sample papers are mainly a kind of mock tests or model test papers which are prepared in accordance with the latest syllabus and guidelines that are issued by the central board. These examination test papers are designed as the replica of the actual papers that are asked in final examinations. All the marking schemes , number of questions , types of questions asked are followed as per board scheme and are issued to students two or three months before the examinations so that students get enough time to practice.
What is the importance of Sample Papers for Students?
In order to access the level of preparation done by any particular student he or she needs to solve CBSE Sample Papers. These papers are the perfect way to practise for the final board exam. If one wants to have a clear idea of how the final exam papers would be in terms of level of difficulty, time and other aspects then , all students must make sure that they do sample papers once their course revision is finished.
Few benefits of solving CBSE sample papers are given below:
• Gauging Self Performance: Understanding and revising the subject is very good, but unless one attempts the sample paper in the lookalike environment as in board exam, seldom can the student identify and check whether the understanding of all concepts of the subject are complete or not. Once students try the question paper in the same time frame he or she is able to judge the capability of solving the paper in the stipulated time frame. It highlights the weak areas if any and gives students ample amount of time to work on those areas and be better prepared before exams.
• Testing Time Criticality: Knowing is not everything as far as board papers are concerned. Sometimes it happens that in spite of knowing everything a student falls short of time to complete the entire paper and thus loses marks. Generally CBSE sample papers are generally of 3 hour duration. So while practicing sample papers it is imperative to create a board like environment at home and ensure that sample paper is attempted only in 3 hours and then check whether it was possible to complete the paper in the desired amount of time. Often at first students take longer than expected, and thus they get early warning to practice more and increase the speed.
• Exam Anxiety: Sometimes sensitive students feel anxious to sit in the examination hall with a 3 hour length paper and for them it becomes a more intense requirement to practice prior to main exams and get rid of any kind of fear. Since they do not know what questions will be asked in the CBSE board they create panic in their mind due to this fear of the unknown and get scared with the idea that they might not be able to do well in exams. Thus such students needs to complete at-least 7-10 sample papers prior to the exams, to gain confidence and get into better frame of mind.
Best Time to Practice Sample Papers
This mainly varies from student to student but in general students should start dealing with sample papers as soon as their book revisions are over. Infect along with sample papers students should also look for model test papers of various publishers and attempt them to get the idea of level of preparation. As the dates of exam are approaching near by that time only samples papers should be mainly considered for practice and in case of any shortcomings those should be thoroughly discussed with teachers friends and other concerned person so that one has clarity before attempting the final paper.
(CBSE SUBJECT Code No. 087)
No. | Units | Marks |
I | India and the Contemporary World – I | 20 |
II | Contemporary India – I | 20 |
III | Democratic Politics – I | 20 |
IV | Economics | 20 |
Total | 80 | |
Internal Assessment | 20 | |
Grand Total | 100 |
Term – I ( APRIL 2021 TO SEPTEMBER 2022 )
Text Book | Content | Learning objectives |
India and the Contemporary World – I |
Section 1: Events and Processes:
(All the three themes are compulsory)
I. The FrenchRevolution:
French Society During the Late Eighteenth Century, The Outbreak of the Revolution, France Abolishes Monarchy and Becomes a Republic, Did Women have a Revolution?, The Abolition of Slavery, The Revolution and Everyday Life |
Familiarize with the names of people involved, the different types of ideas that inspired the revolution, the wider forces that shaped it. Know the use of written, oral and visual material to recover the history of revolutions. |
India and the Contemporary World – I | II. Socialism in Europe and the RussianRevolution: The Age of Social Change, The Russian Revolution, The February Revolution in Petrograd, What Changed after October?, The Global Influence of the Russian Revolution and the USSR | Explore the history of socialism through the study of Russian Revolution. Familiarize with the different types of ideas that inspired the revolution. |
India and the Contemporary World – I
III.Nazism and the Rise of Hitler:
Birth of the Weimar Republic, Hitler’s Rise to Power, The Nazi Worldview, Youth in Nazi Germany, Ordinary People and the Crimes Against Humanity
- Discuss the critical significance of Nazism in shaping the politics of modern world.
- Get familiarized with the speeches and writings of Nazi Leaders.
Contemporary India–I
Ch.1: India-Size and Location
Size, Location, India and the World, India’s Neighbours
- Identify the location of India in the Indian subcontinent
Contemporary India–I
Ch.2: Physical Features of India:
Plate Boundaries, Major Physiographic Divisions- The Himalayan Mountains, the Northern Plains, The Peninsular Plateau, The Indian Desert, The Island
- Understand the major landform features and the underlying geological structure; their association with various rocks and minerals as well as nature of soil types.
Contemporary India–I
Ch.3: Drainage:
Drainage Basin, Water Divide, Drainage Pattern, Major Himalayan rivers and tributaries, The Peninsular Rivers and tributaries, Lakes, Role of rivers in the economy, Pollution of rivers
- Identify the river systems of the country and explain the role of rivers in the human society.
Democratic Politics – I
Ch.1: What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
- Develop conceptual skills of defining democracy.
- Understand how different historical processes and forces have promoted democracy.
- Develop a sophisticated defense of democracy against common prejudices.
Develop a historical sense of the choice and nature of democracy in India.
What is Democracy?, Features of Democracy, Why Democracy?, Broader Meaning of Democracy
Ch.2: Constitutional Design:
- Understand the process of Constitution making.
- Develop respect for the Constitution and appreciation for Constitutional values.
- Recognize Constitution as a dynamic and living document.
Politics – I
Democratic Constitution in South Africa, Why do we need a Constitution?, Making of the Indian Constitution, Guiding Values of the Indian Constitution
Ch.1: The Story of Village Palampur:
Overview, Organization of production, Farming in Palampur, Non-farm activities of Palampur.
- Familiarize with basic economic concepts through an imaginary story of a village.
Ch.2: People as Resource: Overview, Economic activities by men and women, Quality of
Population, Unemployment
- Understand the demographic concepts
- Understand how population can be as asset or a liability for the nation.
Revision of syllabus for Mid -Term Exam along with related map work.
India and the Contemporary World – I
Section 2: Livelihoods, Economies andSocieties:
(Any one theme of the following)
- IV.Forest Society and Colonialism:
Why Deforestation?, The Rise of Commercial Forestry, Rebellion in the forest, Transformations in Java.
- Pastoralists in the Modern World:
Pastoral Nomads and their movement, Colonial Rule and Pastoral Life, Pastoralism in Africa.
- Discuss the social and cultural world of forest communities through the study of specific revolts.
Understand how oral traditions can be used to explore tribal revolts.
- Highlight varying patterns of developments within pastoral societies in different places.
- Analyse the impact of colonialism on forest societies, and the implication of scientific forestry.
- Show the different processes through which agrarian transformation may occur in the modern world.
- Analyse the impact of modern states, marking of boundaries, processes of sedentarization, contraction of pastures, and expansion of markets on
pastoralism in the modern world.
Contemporary India–I
Concept, Climatic Controls, Factors influencing India’s climate, The Indian Monsoon
Onset and withdrawal of Monsoon, Distribution of Rainfall, The Season, Monsoon as a unifying bond.
- Identify various factors influencing the climate and explain the climatic variation of our country and its impact on the life of the people.
- Explain the importance and unifying role of monsoons.
Contemporary India–I
Ch.5: Natural Vegetation and Wild Life:
Factors affecting Vegetation- Relief(land, soil), Climate (Temperature, sunlight, precipitation), Ecosystem, Types of Vegetation, Wild Life, Conservation.
- Explain the nature of diverse flora and fauna as well as their distribution.
- Develop concern about the need to protect the biodiversity of our country.
Contemporary India–I
Ch.6: Population:
Size and Distribution of Population, Growth and Process of Population Change, Age composition, Sex ratio, literacy rate, Occupational structure, Health, Adolescent Population, National Population Policy, NPP 2000 and adolescents.
- Analyse the uneven nature of population distribution and show concern about the large size of our population.
- Identify the different occupations of people and explain various factors of population change.
- Explain various dimensions of National Population Policy and understand the needs of adolescents as underserved group.
Democratic Politics – I
Ch.3: Electoral Politics:
Why Elections?, What is our System of Elections?, What makes elections in India democratic?
- Understand representative democracy via competitive party politics.
- Familiarize with Indian electoral system.
- Reason out for the adoption of present Indian Electoral System.
- Develop an appreciation of citizen’s increased participation in electoral politics.
- Recognize the significance of the Election Commission.
Democratic Politics – I
Ch.4: Working of Institutions:
How is the major policy decision taken?, Parliament, Political Executive, Judiciary
- Get an overview of central governmental structures.
- Identify the role of Parliament and its procedures.
- Distinguish between political and permanent executive authorities and functions.
- Understand the parliamentary system of executive’s accountability to the legislature.
- Understand the working of Indian Judiciary.
Ch.5: Democratic Rights:
- Recognize the need for rights in one’s life.
- Understand the availability
/access of rights in a democratic system/government.
- Identify and be able to comprehend the Fundamental Rights given by the Indian Constitution to its citizens.
- Create awareness regarding the process of safe guarding rights.
Politics – I
Life with outrights, Rights in a Democracy, Rights in the Indian Constitution, Expanding the scope of rights
Ch.3: Poverty as a Challenge:
Two typical cases of poverty, Poverty as seen by Social Scientists, Poverty Estimates, Vulnerable Groups, Interstate disparities, Global Poverty Scenario, Causes of Poverty, Anti- poverty measures, The Challenges Ahead
- Understand poverty as a challenge.
- Identify vulnerable group and interstate disparities
- Appreciate the initiatives of the government to alleviate poverty.
Ch. 4:Food Security in India: Overview, What is Food Security?, Why Food Security?, Who are food insecure?, Food Security in India,
What is Buffer Stock?, What is the
Public Distribution System?, Current Status of Public Distribution System
- Understand the concept of food security
- Appreciate and analyse the role of government in ensuring food supply.
- Syllabus to be completed by December 2021
- Revision of Syllabus for CASE-2022 along with map work.
- Revision from Support Material
ProjectWork:05 Periods (5Marks)
- Every student has to compulsorily undertake one project on DisasterManagement.
- Objectives: The main objectives of giving project work on Disaster Management to the students are to:–
- Create awareness in them about different disasters, their consequences and management.
- Prepare them in advance to face such situations,
- Ensure their participation in disaster mitigation plans,
- Enable them to create awareness and preparedness among the community.
- The project work should also help in enhancing the Life Skills of the students.
- If possible, various forms of art may be integrated in the project work.
- In order to realize the expected objectives completely, it would be required of the Principals / teachers to muster support from various local authorities and organizations like the Disaster Management Authorities, Relief, Rehabilitation and the Disaster Management Departments of the States, Office of the District Magistrate/ Deputy Commissioners, Fire Service, Police, Civil Defence etc. in the area where the schools are located.
- The distribution of marks over different aspects relating to Project Work is as follows:
a | Content accuracy, originality and analysis | 2 |
b | Presentation and creativity | 2 |
c | Viva Voce | 1 |
- The project carried out by the students should subsequently be shared among themselves through Interactive sessions such as exhibitions, panel discussions, etc.
- All documents pertaining to assessment under this activity should be meticulously maintained by the schools.
- A Summary Report should be prepared highlighting:
- objectives realized through individual or group interactions;
- calendar of activities;
- innovative ideas generated in this process ;
- list of questions asked in viva voce
- It is to be noted here by all the teachers and students that the projects and models prepared should be made from eco-friendly products without incurring too much expenditure.
- The Project Report should be handwritten by the students themselves.
- The record of the project work (internal assessment) should be kept for a period of three months for verification, if any.
Prescribed Books
- India And The Contemporary world-I, (History), Published by NCERT
- Contemporary India-I, (Geography) Published by NCERT
- Democratic Politics-I, (Political Science) Published by NCERT
- Economics, Published by NCERT
- Together, Towards a Safer India part-II, A text book on Disaster Management
Note: Please procure latest reprinted edition (2019) of prescribed NCERT textbooks.
Chapter-1: The French Revolution
Outline Political Map of France (For locating and labeling / Identification)
Bordeaux ; Nantes ; Paris ; Marseilles
Chapter-2: Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution
Outline Political Map of World (For locating and labeling/ Identification) Major countries of First World War (Central Powers and Allied Powers) Central Powers – Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey (Ottoman Empire)
Allied Powers – France, England, Russia, U.S.A.
Chapter-3: Nazism and Rise of Hitler
Outline Political Map of World (For locating and labeling / Identification)
Major countries of Second World War
Axis Powers – Germany, Italy, Japan ; Allied Powers – UK, France, Former USSR, USA
Territories under German expansion (Nazi Power)
Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia (only Slovakia shown in the map), Denmark, Lithuania, France, Belgium
SUBJECT – GEOGRAPHY (Outline Political Map of India)
Chapter -1: India-Size and Location
India-States with Capitals, Tropic of Cancer, Standard Meridian (Location and Labelling)
Chapter -2: Physical Features of India
Mountain Ranges: The Karakoram, The Zasker, The Shivalik, The Aravali, The Vindhya, The Satpura, Western & EasternGhats
Mountain Peaks – K2, Kanchan Junga, Anai Mudi
Plateau – Deccan Plateau, Chotta Nagpur Plateau, Malwa Plateau
Coastal Plains – Konkan, Malabar, Coromandal & Northern Circar (Location and Labelling)
Chapter -3: Drainage
Rivers: (Identification only)
The Himalayan River Systems-The Indus, The Ganges, and The Satluj
The Peninsular rivers-The Narmada, The Tapi, The Kaveri, The Krishna, The Godavari, The Mahanadi
Lakes: Wular, Pulicat, Sambhar, Chilika
Chapter – 4: Climate
Areas receiving rainfall less than 20 cm and over 400 cm (Identification only)
Chapter – 5: Natural Vegetation and Wild Life
Vegetation Type: Tropical Evergreen Forest, Tropical Deciduous Forest, Thorn Forest, Montane Forests and Mangrove- For identification only
National Parks: Corbett, Kaziranga, Ranthambor, Shivpuri, Kanha, Simlipal & Manas
Bird Sanctuaries: Bharatpur and Ranganthitto
Wild Life Sanctuaries: Sariska, Mudumalai, Rajaji, Dachigam (Location and Labelling)
Chapter – 6: Population(location and labelling)
The state having highest and lowest density of population The state having highest and lowest sex ratio
Largest and smallest state according to area
Typology of Questions | Objective Type 1 Mark | Short Answer (SA) 3 Marks | Long Answer (LA) 5 Marks | Map Skill | Total Marks | Weightage % |
Remembering (Exhibit memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts and answers) |
9 |
3 |
1 |
– |
23 |
29% |
Understanding (Demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing translating interpreting, giving descriptions and stating main ideas) |
4 |
2 |
2 |
– |
20 |
25% |
Applying: (Solve problems to new situations by applying acquired knowledge and rules in a different ways) |
3 |
1 |
2 |
– |
16 |
20% |
Analysing and Evaluating: (Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes, make inferences and find evidence to support generalisations present and defend opinion by making judgement about information, validity of ideas, or quality of work based on a set of criteria.) |
2 |
1 |
1 |
– |
10 |
12% |
Creating: (Compile information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions.) |
2 |
1 |
– |
– |
5 |
06.5% |
Map Skill |
—- |
—– |
—- |
3+3 |
6 |
7.6% |
Total |
1×20=20 |
3× 8=24 |
5×6=30 |
6 |
80 |
100% |
- Internal Assessment: 20Marks