Prepositions Exercises For CBSE Class 5

A preposition usually comes before a noun or a pronoun which is its object. The preposition tells us the relation of its object to other words in the sentence. Sometimes the preposition comes at the end of the sentence when the object is a relative pronoun or an interrogative pronoun.

Prepositions Exercises For CBSE Class 5 in PDF Format

Preposition Exercises for Class 5 English with answers

Preposition Worksheet 1 – Class 5 English

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate preposition from the options given.

  1. The cat is __________ the table.
    • a) on
    • b) in
    • c) under
    • d) above
    • Answer: a) on
  2. The book is __________ the shelf.
    • a) behind
    • b) in
    • c) between
    • d) under
    • Answer: b) in
  3. The ball rolled __________ the hill.
    • a) up
    • b) down
    • c) over
    • d) across
    • Answer: b) down
  4. The birds are flying __________ the sky.
    • a) above
    • b) below
    • c) behind
    • d) beside
    • Answer: a) above
  5. The gift is wrapped __________ a colorful paper.
    • a) between
    • b) behind
    • c) inside
    • d) around
    • Answer: c) inside
  6. The rabbit hopped __________ the bushes.
    • a) around
    • b) over
    • c) between
    • d) beside
    • Answer: c) between
  7. The cat hid __________ the bed.
    • a) in
    • b) on
    • c) under
    • d) above
    • Answer: c) under
  8. The children played __________ the park.
    • a) around
    • b) inside
    • c) outside
    • d) between
    • Answer: c) outside
  9. The bridge goes __________ the river.
    • a) under
    • b) above
    • c) beside
    • d) between
    • Answer: b) above
  10. The pen is __________ the pencil case.
    • a) over
    • b) across
    • c) among
    • d) inside
    • Answer: d) inside

Preposition Worksheet 2 – Class 5 English

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate preposition from the options given.

  1. The cat jumped ___ the table and hid ___ the box.
    • a) in, on
      b) over, under
    • c) under, in
    • d) on, over
    • Answer: a) in, on
  2. The book is ___ the shelf, ___ the lamp.
    • a) beside, under
    • b) on, over
    • c) under, beside
    • d) next to, above
    • Answer: d) next to, above
  3. The ball rolled ___ the hill and stopped ___ the bottom.
    • a) up, on
    • b) down, at
    • c) under, above
    • d) over, near
    • Answer: b) down, at
  4. The children played ___ the park ___ the afternoon.
    • a) across, during
    • b) in, over
    • c) on, at
    • d) at, in
    • Answer: b) in, over
  5. The butterfly flew ___ the flowers ___ the garden.
    • a) between, in
    • b) through, along
    • c) on, under
    • d) beside, around
    • Answer: b) through, along
  6. The cat climbed ___ the tree to reach the nest.
    • a) under
    • b) above
    • c) onto
    • d) beneath
    • Answer: c) onto
  7. The key was hidden ___ the drawer.
    • a) in
    • b) on
    • c) under
    • d) beside
    • Answer: a) in
  8. The river flows ___ the bridge.
    • a) beneath
    • b) under
    • c) over
    • d) across
    • Answer: c) over
  9. The children ran ___ the field.
    • a) in
    • b) on
    • c) under
    • d) across
    • Answer: d) across
  10. The moon shines ___ the night sky.
    • a) below
    • b) above
    • c) under
    • d) beside
    • Answer: b) above

Preposition Worksheet – 3

Exercise 1:

Identify the prepositions in the following sentences.

  1. The cat sat on the mat.
    Answer: on
  2. We went to the park after school.
    Answer: to, after
  3. The book is under the table.
    Answer: under
  4. The ball rolled into the ditch.
    Answer: into
  5. She was hiding behind the door.
    Answer: behind

Exercise 2:

Complete the following sentences with the correct preposition.

  1. The bird flew _____ the tree.
    Answer: over
  2. The dog ran _____ the park.
    Answer: through
  3. The ball is _____ the box.
    Answer: in
  4. She sat _____ the sofa.
    Answer: on
  5. The flowers are _____ the vase.
    Answer: in

Preposition Worksheet – 4

Exercise 3:

Rewrite the following sentences using a different preposition.

  1. The cat is under the table.
    Answer: The cat is beside the table.
  2. The book is on the shelf.
    Answer: The book is in the shelf.
  3. The bird is in the cage.
    Answer: The bird is on the cage.
  4. The ball is between the two chairs.
    Answer: The ball is among the two chairs.
  5. The car is in front of the house.
    Answer: The car is at the front of the house.

Exercise 4:

Complete the sentences with one of the prepositions from the box.

AT – IN – ON
  1. _________________ what time does the meeting start tomorrow?
  2. I last saw him __________________ his birthday.
  3. Don’t go out ____________ noon. The sun is too strong.
  4. You should start feeling better _____________ a day or two.
  5. We’re going _____________ holiday next month.
  6. I should be finished with my report _________ about half an hour.
  7. I am working ________a new project the moment.
  8. He had been unemployed for some time but, ____ the end, he found a good job.
  9. We were planning to start out _____________ dawn.
  10. Manchester won three games ________a row and now they are ______ the top of the league table.
  11. We often go skiing ______ spring because the days are longer.
  12. Our whole family enjoyed a great meal ______ a fine little restaurant.
  13. She doesn’t look that old, but she must be ______ her late sixties.
  14. The castle was built ______ the Middle Ages.
  15. There’s some kind of dark spot ______ the ceiling. What is it?
  16. The boys left home ______ the age of 16.
  17. The souvenir shops make a lot of money ______ a national holiday.
  18. The manager has an appointment with a new client ______ 5 p.m.
  19. She sleeps _______ the morning and works ______ night.
  20. It’s already 9 a.m. and he is still ______ bed.
  21. I couldn’t find that small village ______ any map.
  22. My dad plans to return from his business trip ______ Saturday or Sunday evening.
  23. My sister is ______ work right now so you can’t reach her.

Answers :

  1. At
  2. on
  3. at
  4. in
  5. on
  6. in
  7. on
  8. at
  9. at
  10. in
  11. on
  12. in
  13. at
  14. in
  15. in
  16. on
  17. at
  18. on
  19. at
  20. in, at
  21. in
  22. on
  23. on
  24. at

Preposition Worksheet – 5

Exercise 5:

Identify the preposition and the object of the preposition in the following sentences.

  1. My mother baked a cake for my birthday.
    Answer: preposition – for, object of the preposition – my birthday.
  2. The cat jumped onto the table.
    Answer: preposition – onto, object of the preposition – the table.
  3. I ran around the park for exercise.
    Answer:: preposition – around, object of the preposition – the park.
  4. The children played with the ball in the yard.
    Answer: preposition – with, object of the preposition – the ball.
  5. She walked by the river for relaxation.
    Answer: preposition – by, object of the preposition – the river.

Exercise 6:

Complete the following sentences with the correct preposition.

  1. We arrived _____ the airport early.
    Answer: at
  2. The book is _____ the top shelf.
    Answer: on
  3. She is interested _____ learning a new language.
    Answer: in
  4. The cat jumped _____ the fence.
    Answer: over
  5. The store is _____ the corner of the street.
    Answer: on

Exercise 7:

Rewrite the following sentences using a different preposition.

  1. The bird flew over the fence.
    Answer: The bird flew above the fence.
  2. The dog ran through the park.
    Answer: The dog ran across the park.
  3. The ball is on the table.
    Answer: The ball is atop the table.
  4. The children played in the playground.
    Answer: The children played at the playground.
  5. She walked by the river for relaxation.
    Answer: She walked along the river for relaxation

Exercise 8:

Circle the preposition in each sentence.

  1. Dwight walked across the street.
  2. Erin wandered into the pet store.
  3. Michael left before lunchtime.
  4. Jim’s office is near the cafeteria.
  5. Angela fell asleep during class.
  6. Andy drove around the block.
  7. Under a warm blanket, Pam rested.
  8. Stanley sat on his new rocking chair.
Preposition Exercises for CBSE Class 5 in PDF Format

Kinds of Prepositions

There are various kinds of prepositions:

  • simple prepositions
  • compound prepositions
  • complex or phrase prepositions

Simple Prepositions

Words like inonatbyfromaboutoverunderthroughtillupoffofforto, etc. are simple prepositions.

They came from Kolkata. There is some juice in the can. He fell off the chair.

Compound Prepositions

Compound prepositions are words formed by combining prepositions, nouns, adverbs, etc. Some examples of compound prepositions are intoacrosswithoutwithininsideoutsideontobeneathbelowbehindbetween, etc.

Put the bread into the bread bin.
At the movie hall, I sat between Kavya and Varun. She ran across the street to catch the bus.

Complex or Phrase Prepositions

Some prepositions are made up of a group of words that do the work of a single preposition. These are called complex or phrase prepositions. Some examples are in front ofbecause ofwith reference toin spite ofin addition toaccording toalong withaway fromby means ofin place of, etc.

There is a car in front of the house.
Rita succeeded because of her hard work.
In spite of the cold, the children played outside in the garden.

Prepositions of Place

Prepositions express several relations. Prepositions of place tell us ‘where’. Some prepositions of place are abovebelowunderoverbesidedownnearin front ofaround, etc.

The fruit hung above my head, but I could not reach it. There is a new car in front of the house.
The man walked down the road.

Atin and on are used as prepositions of place.

Someone is at the door.
I live in Mumbai.
The painting is on the wall