Adjective Worksheets for Class 2 | Free PDF

An adjective is a word that describes a noun. Some adjectives tell “how many” and some adjectives tell “what kind”.

Adjective Worksheets For Class 2 in PDF Format

Adjective Worksheets for Class 2 with answers

Q.1 : Circle the adjective(s) in each sentence.

  1. The yellow sun is shining.
    Answer: yellow
  2. The cute puppy is playing in the garden.
    Answer: cute
  3. She has a red balloon.
    Answer: red
  4. The big elephant is walking slowly.
    Answer: big
  5. The delicious cake is on the table.
    Answer: delicious
  6. The tall boy is playing football.
    Answer: tall
  7. The red apple is juicy.
    Answer: red
  8. She has a cute teddy bear.
    Answer: cute
  9. The big elephant is grey.
    Answer: big, grey
  10. The beautiful flower smells nice.
    Answer: beautiful, nice

Q.2 : Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives.

  1. The ________ flower smells nice.
    Answer: beautiful
  2. He has a ________ bike.
    Answer: blue
  3. The ________ cat is sleeping.
    Answer: lazy
  4. She wore a ________ dress to the party.
    Answer: pretty
  5. The ________ bird is flying high.
    Answer: colorful
  6. The ________ cat is sleeping.
    Answer: lazy
  7. He has a ________ dog.
    Answer: playful
  8. The ________ girl is singing.
    Answer: happy
  9. The ________ bird is chirping.
    Answer: colorful

Q.3 : Underline the adjective(s) in each sentence.

  1. The tall tree provides shade.
    Answer: tall
  2. The happy children are playing in the park.
    Answer: happy
  3. She painted a beautiful picture.
    Answer: beautiful
  4. The small kitten is sleeping.
    Answer: small
  5. The fast car zoomed past.
    Answer: fast
  6. The small dog barked loudly.
    Answer: small, loudly

Q.4 : Choose the correct adjective to complete each sentence.

  1. The ________ flower smells nice. (red / pretty)
    Answer: pretty
  2. He has a ________ dog. (big / yellow)
    Answer: big
  3. The ________ cat is playing. (lazy / fast)
    Answer: lazy
  4. She wore a ________ dress to the party. (blue / beautiful)
    Answer: beautiful
  5. The ________ bird is singing. (colorful / small)
    Answer: colorful

Q.5 : Rewrite each sentence, replacing the underlined word with an adjective.

  1. The flower is pretty.
    Answer: The flower is beautiful.
  2. He has a fast car.
    Answer: He has a speedy car.
  3. The cake tastes sweet.
    Answer: The cake tastes delicious.
  4. The road is long.
    Answer: The road is never-ending.
  5. The puppy is small.
    Answer: The puppy is tiny.

Q.6 Circle the adjective(s) in each sentence below. Underline the noun it describes.

  1. Grandpa packed a healthy snack.
  2. I just finished reading a good book.
  3. I splashed cold water on my face.
  4. We won the last game.
  5. The fuzzy yellow chicks were so cute.
  6. He wore his warm mittens in the snow.
  7. I picked yellow flowers for my Mom.
  8. She likes to sit with her two friends.
  9. We live in the house with the white shutters.
  10. My older sister helped me make dessert


  1. Grandpa packed a healthy snack.
    • Adjective: healthy
    • Underlined Noun: snack
  2. I just finished reading a good book.
    • Adjective: good
    • Underlined Noun: book
  3. I splashed cold water on my face.
    • Adjective: cold
    • Underlined Noun: water
  4. We won the last game.
    • Adjective: last
    • Underlined Noun: game
  5. The fuzzy yellow chicks were so cute.
    • Adjectives: fuzzy, yellow
    • Underlined Noun: chicks
  6. He wore his warm mittens in the snow.
    • Adjective: warm
    • Underlined Noun: mittens
  7. I picked yellow flowers for my Mom.
    • Adjective: yellow
    • Underlined Noun: flowers
  8. She likes to sit with her two friends.
    • Adjective: two
    • Underlined Noun: friends
  9. We live in the house with the white shutters.
    • Adjective: white
    • Underlined Noun: shutters
  10. My older sister helped me make dessert.
    • Adjective: older
    • Underlined Noun: sister

Q.7 Circle the adjectives that tell how many. Then rewrite each sentence using a new amount.

  1. My birthday is in three weeks. _________________________
  2. I am inviting ten friends to my party. _________________________
  3. Mom is blowing up a few balloons. _________________________
  4. There will be nine candles on my cake. _________________________
  5. One candle is for good luck. _________________________
  6. There will be many sweet treats. _________________________


  1. My birthday is in three weeks.
    • Rewritten: My birthday is in five weeks.
  2. I am inviting ten friends to my party.
    • Rewritten: I am inviting twelve friends to my party.
  3. Mom is blowing up a few balloons.
    • Rewritten: Mom is blowing up several balloons.
  4. There will be nine candles on my cake.
    • Rewritten: There will be eleven candles on my cake.
  5. One candle is for good luck.
    • Rewritten: Two candles are for good luck.
  6. There will be many sweet treats.
    • Rewritten: There will be plenty of sweet treats.

Q.8 Find the adjective in each sentence. Write them on the lines.

  1. Mom hangs colourful lanterns around the yard.
    adjective _____________________
  2. The full moon is shining in the sky.
    adjective ______________________
  3. We place the food on the four tables.
    adjective __________________________
  4. Yummy smells fill the air.
    adjective __________________________________
  5. Three guests bring guitars.
    adjective ____________________________________
  6. They play some songs after we eat.
    adjective _________________________________________
  7. Grandma and Grandpa dance to their favourite tune.
    adjective _________________________________________


  1. Mom hangs colourful lanterns around the yard.
    • Adjective: colourful
  2. The full moon is shining in the sky.
    • Adjective: full
  3. We place the food on the four tables.
    • Adjective: four
  4. Yummy smells fill the air.
    • Adjective: yummy
  5. Three guests bring guitars.
    • Adjective: three
  6. They play some songs after we eat.
    • Adjective: some
  7. Grandma and Grandpa dance to their favourite tune.
    • Adjective: favourite

Q.9 Circle the adjective in each sentence. Underline the noun the adjective describes.

  1. Ram is having a big party for his brother Shyam.
  2. He is making a chocolate cake.
  3. He is putting vanilla frosting on top.
  4. We are blowing up blue balloons.
  5. I am hanging red streamers.
  6. A funny clown will juggle at the party.
  7. We got Paul a tricky puzzle for a present.
  8. His parents got him new skates.


  1. Ram is having a big party for his brother Shyam.
    • Adjective: big
    • Underlined Noun: party, Paul
  2. He is making a chocolate cake.
    • Adjective: chocolate
    • Underlined Noun: cake
  3. He is putting vanilla frosting on top.
    • Adjective: vanilla
    • Underlined Noun: frosting
  4. We are blowing up blue balloons.
    • Adjective: blue
    • Underlined Noun: balloons
  5. I am hanging red streamers.
    • Adjective: red
    • Underlined Noun: streamers
  6. A funny clown will juggle at the party.
    • Adjective: funny
    • Underlined Noun: clown, party
  7. We got Paul a tricky puzzle for a present.
    • Adjective: tricky
    • Underlined Noun: puzzle, present
  8. His parents got him new skates.
    • Adjective: new
    • Underlined Noun: skates
Adjective Worksheets for Class 2 in PDF Format