CBSE Syllabus For Class 8 Maths: VIII Practice Papers
Chapter-1 Rational numbers
Introduction, Negative of a rational number, representation of a rational numbers on the number line, Properties of rational numbers, Rational numbers between two rational numbers.
What to learn from this chapter?
- Generalises properties of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of rational number through pattern.
- Find out as many rational numbers as possible between two given rational numbers.
- Represent rational number on number line.
Activities Recommendations.
- Concept using conversation of various types of numbers.
- Shading/Colouring equal parts of various shapes.
- Conversion of decimal number into the rational number using ruler.
Practice Corner For Chapter 1
Chapter-2 Linear equation in one variable
Introduction, solving equations which have linear expressions on one side and numbers on the other side, some applications solving equations having the variable on both sides, some more applications, reducing equations to simpler form, equations reducible to linear form.
What to learn from this chapter?
- Solve problem based on linear equation in variable.
- Solve puzzles and daily life problem using variables.
Activities Recommendations
- Play with numbers game, Picture / card game.
- Story: Crocodile Dada
Practice Corner For Chapter 2
Class 8 Maths Worksheet ( HOTS Linear Equation in One Variable )
Chapter-3 Understanding Quadrilaterals
Introduction, polygons, sum of the measures of the exterior angles of a polygon, kinds of
quadrilaterals, some special parallelograms.
What to learn from this chapter?
- Solves problems related to angles of quadrilateral using angle sum property.
- Verifies properties of parallelogram and establishes the relationship between them through reasoning.
- Generalizes properties of different types of quadrilateral.
Activities Recommendations
- Diagonals of a polygon: Making, identification of vertices & counting of Diagonals of a polygon with the help of students.
- Making of circle & Quadrilateral with the help of DOTs.
- Paper cutting: Making Different type of Quadrilateral.
- Game of KITEs: A Role Play/Story in Mathematics.
Practice Corner For Chapter 3
Class 8 Maths Worksheet ( HOTS Understanding Quadrilaterals )
Chapter-4 Practical Geometry
Introduction, construction of quadrilaterals, some special cases.
What to learn from this chapter?
- Construct different quadrilaterals using compasses and straight edge.
Activities Recommendations
- Mr. Robot (fill the colours in robot made up of different shapes)
- Head craft (Cutting and colouring different geometrical shapes and paste like head craft)
Chapter-5 Data Handling
Looking for information, organizing data, Circle graph or pie chart. Note:
What to learn from this chapter?
- Draw and interprets pie charts.
Activities Recommendations
- Collect the data related to the birth month of each student of your class and write it in the space given below.
Practice Corner For Chapter 5
Class 8 Maths Revision Worksheet (Data handling Exponents and powers) -DPS Ghaziabad
Chapter-6 Squares and Square roots
Introduction, properties of square numbers, some more interesting patterns, finding the square of a number, square roots, square roots of decimals, estimating square roots
What to learn from this chapter?
- Finds square and square roots of numbers using different methods.
- Uses square roots in solving problems of daily life.
Activities Recommendations
- To make square using straw and reshape the figure by shifting the straws – play with straws.
- Draw the square on a graph paper and count them /Tower Pattern.
- Square MAZE
Practice Corner For Chapter 6
Class 8 Maths Revision Worksheet ( Squares and Square roots) -DPS Ghaziabad
Chapter-7 Cubes and Cube roots
Introduction, cubes and cube roots
What to learn from this chapter?
- Finds cube and cube roots of a number
Activities Recommendations
- Finding Volume of different size RUBRIC CUBE.
- Cube root MAZE .
Practice Corner For Chapter 7
Chapter-8 Comparing Quantities
Recalling ratios and percentages, finding the increase of decrease percent, finding discounts, prices related to buying and selling (profit and loss), sales tax/VAT , compound interest, deducing a formula for compound interest, rate compounded annually or half yearly (semiannually), applications of compound interest formula.
What to learn from this chapter?
- Applies the concept of percent in profit and loss, situation in finding discount, sales tax/VAT and compound interest.
Activities Recommendations
- Role play
Practice Corner For Chapter 8
Chapter-9 Algebraic Expressions and Identities
What are expressions?, terms, factors, coefficients, monomials, binomials and polynomials, like and unlike terms, addition and subtraction of algebraic expressions, multiplication of algebraic expression, Introduction multiplying a monomial by a monomial, multiplying a monomial polynomial, multiplying a polynomial by a polynomial, what is an identity?, standard identities, applying identities
What to learn from this chapter?
- Addition, subtraction and multiplication of algebraic expression.
- Uses various algebraic identities in solving problem of daily life.
Activities Recommendations
- Sorting and writing surrounding patterns
- Checking (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 through paper cutting.
- Checking (a-b)2 = a2 -2ab + b2 through paper cutting.
- Checking (a + b) (a-b) = a2 – b2 through paper cutting.
Practice Corner For Chapter 9
Class 8 Maths Revision Worksheet ( Algebraic Expressions and factorisation) -DPS Ghaziabad
Chapter-10 Visualizing Solid Shapes
Introduction, views of 3D shapes, mapping space around us, faces, edges and vertices.
What to learn from this chapter?
- Represents 3D shapes on a plane surface such as sheet of paper, block board etc. .
Activities Recommendations
- Find out vertices, faces and edges of different 3-D objects.
Practice Corner For Chapter 10
Chapter-11 Mensuration
Introduction, let us recall, area of trapezium, area of a general quadrilateral, area of a polygon.
What to learn from this chapter?
- Estimates the area of shapes like trapezium and other polygon by using square grid/ graph sheet and verifies using formulas.
- Finds the area and perimeter of polygon.
Activities Recommendations
- An activity for establishing a relationship between circumference and diameter, representing their ratio as π.
- Dividing a circular region into small sectors and arranging them in the form of rectangle and finding the area of circle.
Practice Corner For Chapter 11
Chapter-12 Exponents and Powers
Introduction, powers with negative exponents, laws of Exponents, use of Exponents to express small Numbers in standard form.
What to learn from this chapter?
- Solves problem with integral exponents.
- Use the laws of exponent.
- Express numbers in standard form.
Activities Recommendations
- Game of reading and writing of numbers.
- Recognition of changing in numbers through patterns.
Practice Corner For Chapter 12
Chapter-13 Direct and Inverse Proportions
Introduction, direct proportion, inverse proportions.
What to learn from this chapter?
- Solves problem based on direct and inverse proportion.
Activities Recommendations
- Details of Riyan’s Birthday party.
- Real life examples: Direct and Inverse Variation.
- Distinguish different situation of Direct and Inverse Variation by mean of colours.
Practice Corner For Chapter 14
Class 8 Maths Worksheet ( HOTS Direct & Inverse Proportions )
Chapter-14 Factorization
Introduction, what is factorization?, division of algebraic expression, division of algebraic expression, can you find errors?
What to learn from this chapter?
- Finds factors of algebraic expression
- Division of algebraic expression.
- Find the errors in mathematical statement and correct it.
Activities Recommendations
- Role play.
Practice Corner For Chapter 14
Chapter 15- Introduction to graphs
Introduction, linear graphs some applications
What to learn from this chapter?
- Draws and interprets linear graph.
Activities Recommendations
- Finding exact location of flower painted on a table cloth.
- Identify the location of different seats in a theatre hall.
Practice Corner For Chapter 15
Chapter-16 Playing with Numbers
Introduction, Number in general form, games with Numbers, letters for digits.
What to learn from this chapter?
- Check divisibility rules of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,8, 9 and 11
Activities Recommendations
- Games with numbers.
Practice Corner For Chapter 16