For Students of Class 6 in CBSE affiliated schools, Unseen passages is an integral part of English paper and students need to have lots of practice to get the knack of how to solve these reading comprehensions perfectly in less time and score high marks.In this blog, we will provide you with various Unseen Passages for CBSE Class 6 Activities and Worksheets with answers, to make it easier for you as a student to prepare Reading section of final exam paper. Read on to find out.
Unseen Passages for Class 6 – English Comprehensions PDF
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- Class 6 Reading Comprehension English Assessment Test – 2022
Unseen Passage for Class 5 with questions and answers
The Sun
The sun is a star at the center of our solar system. It is an enormous ball of hot, glowing gas. The sun’s diameter is about 1.4 million kilometers, making it much larger than the Earth. It is so massive that it makes up approximately 99.86% of the total mass of the entire solar system.
The sun is essential for life on Earth. It provides light and heat, which are necessary for the survival of plants and animals. The light from the sun takes about 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach the Earth.
The sun also plays a crucial role in the water cycle. Its heat causes water on the Earth’s surface to evaporate, forming clouds that later result in precipitation.
Despite its importance, looking directly at the sun can damage our eyes. It’s crucial to use special protective eyewear if you want to observe solar events like eclipses.
Answer the following questions:
- What is the sun?
- How does the sun contribute to life on Earth?
- How long does it take for the light from the sun to reach the Earth?
- What role does the sun play in the water cycle?
- Why is it dangerous to look directly at the sun?
- The sun is a star at the center of our solar system.
- The sun provides light and heat, which are necessary for the survival of plants and animals on Earth.
- The light from the sun takes about 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach the Earth.
- The sun’s heat causes water on the Earth’s surface to evaporate, leading to the formation of clouds and precipitation in the water cycle.
- Looking directly at the sun can damage our eyes.
Unseen Passage for Class 6
The Ant and the Grasshopper
Once upon a time, there lived an ant and a grasshopper in a beautiful meadow. The ant was hardworking and spent his days collecting food and building his shelter for the winter. He knew that he had to prepare for the cold season when food would be scarce.
On the other hand, the grasshopper was carefree and believed in enjoying the present moment. He spent his days singing and playing with his friends. Whenever the ant tried to advise the grasshopper to prepare for the winter, the grasshopper dismissed his concerns, saying, “Why worry about the future when we can have fun now?”
When winter arrived, the meadow turned cold, and food became scarce. The ant was well-prepared, having stored enough food in his shelter. However, the grasshopper had nothing to eat and nowhere to take refuge.
Seeing the grasshopper shivering with cold and hunger, the ant took pity on him. The ant offered to share his food and shelter with the grasshopper. From that day on, the grasshopper learned the importance of hard work and planning for the future.
Answer the following questions
- Who were the characters in the story?
- How did the ant spend his days?
- Why did the ant advise the grasshopper to prepare for winter?
- What did the grasshopper do instead of preparing for winter?
- What happened to the grasshopper during the winter, and how did the ant help him?
- The characters in the story were the ant and the grasshopper.
- The ant spent his days collecting food and building his shelter for the winter.
- The ant advised the grasshopper to prepare for winter because he knew that food would be scarce during that time.
- Instead of preparing for winter, the grasshopper spent his days singing and playing with his friends, not worrying about the future.
- During the winter, the grasshopper had nothing to eat and nowhere to take refuge. The ant took pity on him and offered to share his food and shelter, teaching the grasshopper the importance of hard work and planning for the future.
Discursive Passage for Class 6 with Answers
Passage 3: The Rainforest
Rainforests are lush and dense forests that receive high amounts of rainfall throughout the year. These forests are found near the equator in regions with a tropical climate. The Amazon Rainforest in South America is the largest rainforest in the world.
Rainforests are home to an incredible diversity of plants and animals. They provide habitat to numerous species, many of which are not found anywhere else on Earth. The dense canopy formed by the tall trees allows limited sunlight to reach the forest floor, creating a unique ecosystem with various layers of vegetation.
These forests play a vital role in regulating the Earth’s climate. They absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide, which helps reduce the impact of greenhouse gases and global warming. Additionally, rainforests act as the Earth’s “lungs,” producing a significant amount of oxygen through photosynthesis.
Despite their ecological importance, rainforests face significant threats, including deforestation for agriculture, logging, and other human activities. Conservation efforts are essential to protect these precious ecosystems and the species that depend on them.
Answer the following Questions:
- Where are rainforests typically found?
- What is the largest rainforest in the world?
- What makes rainforests unique in terms of their vegetation?
- What role do rainforests play in regulating the Earth’s climate?
- Why are rainforests facing threats, and what can be done to protect them?
- Rainforests are typically found near the equator in regions with a tropical climate.
- The largest rainforest in the world is the Amazon Rainforest in South America.
- Rainforests have a dense canopy formed by tall trees that allows limited sunlight to reach the forest floor, creating various layers of vegetation.
- Rainforests absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide, which helps reduce the impact of greenhouse gases and global warming. They also produce a significant amount of oxygen through photosynthesis.
- Rainforests are facing threats such as deforestation for agriculture, logging, and other human activities. To protect them, conservation efforts are essential, including creating protected areas, sustainable logging practices, and raising awareness about the importance of rainforest preservation.
Reading Passage for Class 6 with Questions and Answers
Passage 4: The Moon
The moon is Earth’s natural satellite, orbiting around our planet. It is the fifth-largest moon in the solar system and is much smaller than Earth, with a diameter of about 3,474 kilometers. The moon’s gravity is about one-sixth that of Earth’s, which is why astronauts can jump higher on the moon’s surface than on Earth.
The moon has distinct phases, including new moon, first quarter, full moon, and last quarter. These phases are a result of the moon’s position relative to the Earth and the sun. During a full moon, the entire face of the moon that is visible from Earth is illuminated by the sun.
The moon’s gravitational pull influences tides in Earth’s oceans. The gravitational force causes a bulge of water to form on the side of the Earth facing the moon, creating high tide. On the opposite side, there is another bulge, which also experiences high tide due to the centrifugal force caused by the Earth and moon’s rotation.
The moon has been a subject of fascination for humans for centuries. It has been the focus of space missions, and humans have landed and walked on its surface during the Apollo missions.
Answer the following Questions:
- What is the moon, and how does it relate to Earth?
- How does the moon’s gravity compare to Earth’s gravity?
- What causes the moon to have distinct phases?
- How does the moon influence tides on Earth?
- What have humans done regarding the exploration of the moon?
- The moon is Earth’s natural satellite, orbiting around our planet.
- The moon’s gravity is about one-sixth that of Earth’s.
- The moon’s distinct phases are a result of its position relative to the Earth and the sun.
- The moon’s gravitational pull causes bulges of water to form in Earth’s oceans, leading to the occurrence of tides.
- Humans have explored the moon through space missions, and astronauts have landed and walked on its surface during the Apollo missions.
English Unseen Passage for Class 6 pdf with answers
Passage 5: The Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef system, located off the northeastern coast of Australia. It is so vast that it can be seen from outer space. The reef stretches over 2,300 kilometers and is made up of thousands of individual coral reefs and islands.
The Great Barrier Reef is renowned for its stunning biodiversity. It is home to a wide variety of marine life, including colorful corals, fish, sharks, turtles, and dolphins. The vibrant coral formations create a kaleidoscope of colors beneath the clear waters.
Coral reefs are delicate ecosystems that require specific conditions to thrive. They depend on warm, clear waters with low levels of pollution. Unfortunately, the Great Barrier Reef faces numerous threats, including climate change, coral bleaching, ocean acidification, and pollution.
Coral bleaching occurs when corals expel the colorful algae living within their tissues due to stress from factors like high water temperatures. If the stress persists, the corals may die, leading to the degradation of the reef ecosystem.
Efforts are being made to protect and conserve the Great Barrier Reef through various conservation projects, stricter regulations, and raising awareness about its importance to the environment and local economies.
Answer the following Questions:
- Where is the Great Barrier Reef located?
- How large is the Great Barrier Reef?
- What is the Great Barrier Reef famous for?
- Why are coral reefs considered delicate ecosystems?
- What are some threats faced by the Great Barrier Reef, and what measures are being taken to protect it?
- The Great Barrier Reef is located off the northeastern coast of Australia.
- The Great Barrier Reef stretches over 2,300 kilometers and is made up of thousands of individual coral reefs and islands.
- The Great Barrier Reef is famous for its stunning biodiversity and colorful marine life, including corals, fish, sharks, turtles, and dolphins.
- Coral reefs are delicate ecosystems because they depend on specific conditions like warm, clear waters with low levels of pollution to thrive.
- Some threats faced by the Great Barrier Reef include climate change, coral bleaching, ocean acidification, and pollution. Measures being taken to protect it include conservation projects, stricter regulations, and raising awareness about its importance.
English Unseen Passage for Class 6 with MCQ Questions and Answers
Passage 6: The Water Cycle
The water cycle, also known as the hydrological cycle, is the continuous process of water movement on Earth. It involves various stages, including evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff.
During evaporation, water from oceans, rivers, and lakes is heated by the sun and turns into water vapor, rising into the atmosphere. When the water vapor cools down, it condenses to form clouds. As the clouds gather more water vapor, they become heavy and eventually release the water in the form of precipitation, such as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.
After precipitation, the water can take different paths. Some of it may flow over the surface as runoff and eventually reach rivers, lakes, or oceans. Some water may seep into the ground and become groundwater, which is stored in the soil and rock layers. This groundwater can later be released through springs or used by plants through their roots.
The water cycle is essential for maintaining the Earth’s water balance and supplying fresh water to various ecosystems and human communities. It is a dynamic process that constantly replenishes and redistributes water across the planet.
Answer the following Questions:
- What is the water cycle, and what are its stages?
- How does evaporation occur in the water cycle?
- How do clouds form in the water cycle?
- What happens during precipitation, and what forms can it take?
- Why is the water cycle important for the Earth and its ecosystems?
- The water cycle, also known as the hydrological cycle, is the continuous process of water movement on Earth. Its stages include evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff.
- Evaporation occurs when water from oceans, rivers, and lakes is heated by the sun and turns into water vapor, rising into the atmosphere.
- Clouds form in the water cycle when water vapor cools down and condenses into tiny water droplets or ice crystals, gathering to form visible clouds.
- During precipitation, clouds release water in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail.
- The water cycle is important for maintaining the Earth’s water balance, supplying fresh water to various ecosystems and human communities, and supporting life on the planet.
Passage 7: The Solar System
The solar system consists of the sun and all the celestial objects that are bound to it by gravity. These objects include eight planets, their moons, dwarf planets, asteroids, and comets. The sun, a massive ball of hot, glowing gas, is at the center of the solar system.
The eight planets in the solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, while Neptune is the farthest.
In addition to planets, the solar system contains various moons that orbit around them. For example, Earth has one moon, while Jupiter has over 79 known moons.
Dwarf planets are celestial bodies that are similar to planets but have not cleared their orbits of other debris. Pluto was considered the ninth planet in the solar system until 2006 when it was reclassified as a dwarf planet.
Asteroids are rocky objects that orbit the sun, primarily found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Comets, on the other hand, are icy objects that have elongated orbits and develop a bright, glowing tail when they approach the sun.
The study of the solar system is an essential part of astronomy, helping scientists understand the origins and evolution of celestial bodies and the universe as a whole.
Answer the following Questions:
- What does the solar system consist of?
- Name the eight planets in the solar system.
- How many moons does Earth have, and which planet has the most known moons?
- What is a dwarf planet, and which celestial body was reclassified as a dwarf planet?
- What are asteroids and comets, and where are most asteroids found in the solar system?
- The solar system consists of the sun and all the celestial objects bound to it by gravity, including planets, moons, dwarf planets, asteroids, and comets.
- The eight planets in the solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
- Earth has one moon, while Jupiter has over 79 known moons.
- A dwarf planet is a celestial body similar to a planet but has not cleared its orbit of other debris. Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006.
- Asteroids are rocky objects found in the solar system, primarily in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Comets are icy objects with elongated orbits, and they develop a bright, glowing tail when they approach the sun.
Passage 8: The Human Body
The human body is a complex and remarkable organism composed of several systems working together to sustain life. Some of the key systems include the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems.
The circulatory system is responsible for transporting blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body. The heart, a muscular organ, pumps blood through blood vessels, including arteries, veins, and capillaries.
The respiratory system facilitates breathing and gas exchange. The lungs take in oxygen from the air we breathe and release carbon dioxide, a waste product of cellular respiration.
The digestive system is responsible for breaking down food and absorbing nutrients. It starts in the mouth, where food is chewed and mixed with saliva. The nutrients are then absorbed in the small intestine, while waste is eliminated through the large intestine.
The nervous system is the body’s control center, coordinating and regulating various functions. It comprises the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. The brain receives and processes information from the senses and sends signals to different parts of the body to respond accordingly.
These systems, along with others such as the skeletal and muscular systems, work in harmony to ensure the body’s proper functioning and overall well-being.
Answer the following Questions:
- What are some of the key systems in the human body?
- What does the circulatory system do, and which organ pumps blood?
- What is the function of the respiratory system, and what happens in the lungs during respiration?
- Describe the process of digestion in the human body.
- What is the role of the nervous system, and what are its main components?
- Some of the key systems in the human body include the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems.
- The circulatory system is responsible for transporting blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body. The heart is the organ that pumps blood.
- The respiratory system facilitates breathing and gas exchange. The lungs take in oxygen from the air we breathe and release carbon dioxide during respiration.
- In the digestive system, food is broken down and nutrients are absorbed. The process starts in the mouth, where food is chewed and mixed with saliva. Nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine, and waste is eliminated through the large intestine.
- The nervous system is the body’s control center, coordinating and regulating various functions. It comprises the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. The brain processes information from the senses and sends signals to different parts of the body to respond accordingly.
Passage 9: The Rainy Day
One gloomy morning, dark clouds filled the sky, and raindrops started falling gently. As the rain poured down, children peered out of their windows with excitement. The streets soon turned into small streams, and the parched earth greedily soaked up the water.
Inside their cozy homes, families enjoyed the soothing sound of raindrops on rooftops. Some read books while sipping hot chocolate, while others gathered around the table to play board games.
In the afternoon, the rain lessened, and the children couldn’t resist the temptation to play outside. With colorful umbrellas and raincoats, they splashed through puddles, laughing and chasing each other.
At night, as the raindrops gently tapped on the windows, everyone felt grateful for the refreshing rain that brought joy and life to the world.
Answer the following Questions:
- What happened on the gloomy morning described in the passage?
- How did families spend their time inside during the rainy day?
- What did the children do when the rain lessened in the afternoon?
- How did the rain make people feel at night?
- What did the parched earth do when the rain fell?
Suggested Answers:
- On the gloomy morning described in the passage, dark clouds filled the sky, and raindrops started falling gently.
- Families spent their time inside during the rainy day by reading books, sipping hot chocolate, and playing board games.
- When the rain lessened in the afternoon, the children couldn’t resist the temptation to play outside. They splashed through puddles, laughing and chasing each other.
- At night, the raindrops gently tapping on the windows made everyone feel grateful for the refreshing rain that brought joy and life to the world.
- When the rain fell, the parched earth greedily soaked up the water.
Passage 10: The Clever Fox and the Hungry Crow
One sunny day, a clever fox was strolling through the forest when he spotted a crow sitting on a branch with a piece of cheese in its beak. The fox, being cunning, hatched a plan to snatch the cheese.
“Good day, dear crow!” the fox exclaimed. “Your feathers are so beautiful, and your voice must be as sweet as your appearance. Would you please sing me a song?”
The crow, flattered by the fox’s praise, opened its beak to sing. As the crow started singing, the piece of cheese fell from its beak straight into the waiting jaws of the clever fox.
“Thank you, dear crow,” the fox smirked, “your song was delightful, and your cheese, even more so.”
The crow realized it had been tricked and felt foolish for falling into the fox’s trap. From that day on, the crow was more cautious, vowing never to be deceived again.
Answer the following Questions:
- What did the clever fox spot in the forest?
- How did the fox trick the crow into dropping the cheese?
- What made the crow open its beak to sing?
- How did the crow feel after losing the cheese to the fox?
- What lesson did the crow learn from the encounter with the fox?
Suggested Answers:
- The clever fox spotted a crow sitting on a branch with a piece of cheese in its beak.
- The fox tricked the crow into dropping the cheese by flattering the crow and asking it to sing a song.
- The crow opened its beak to sing when the fox asked it to perform a song.
- The crow felt foolish after losing the cheese to the fox and falling into the fox’s trap.
- The crow learned to be more cautious and vowed never to be deceived again.
Passage 11: The Enchanted Forest
Once upon a time, there was an enchanted forest hidden deep within the mountains. The forest was known for its magical creatures and mysterious charm. Legend had it that whoever entered the forest with a pure heart would be granted a single wish.
One bright morning, a young girl named Lily decided to venture into the enchanted forest. She had heard tales of its wonders and hoped to find a solution to a problem that had been troubling her.
As Lily stepped into the forest, she was surrounded by a soft glow and the sound of tinkling bells. The trees seemed to whisper secrets, and the flowers bloomed in vibrant colors. She felt a sense of calm and wonder like never before.
After walking for what seemed like hours, Lily came across a sparkling stream. The water looked inviting, and she bent down to take a sip. As she drank from the stream, a vision appeared before her eyes, showing her the answer to her problem.
Filled with gratitude, Lily made her wish, thanking the forest for its gift. She returned home with a heart full of joy and a newfound belief in the magic that exists in the world.
Answer the following Questions:
- What was special about the enchanted forest?
- What legend was associated with the enchanted forest?
- Why did Lily decide to enter the forest?
- What did Lily experience as she entered the forest?
- How did Lily feel after her encounter with the enchanted forest?
- The enchanted forest was known for its magical creatures and mysterious charm.
- The legend associated with the enchanted forest was that whoever entered with a pure heart would be granted a single wish.
- Lily decided to enter the forest because she had heard tales of its wonders and hoped to find a solution to a problem troubling her.
- As Lily entered the forest, she was surrounded by a soft glow, the sound of tinkling bells, and a sense of calm and wonder.
- After her encounter with the enchanted forest, Lily felt grateful, filled with joy, and had a newfound belief in the magic that exists in the world.
Passage 12: The Adventure of a Lifetime
It was the summer vacation, and Sam was excited about his family trip. They were heading to a remote village nestled among the mountains. The journey took them through winding roads, lush green valleys, and gushing waterfalls.
Upon reaching the village, Sam was enchanted by its simple beauty and warm hospitality. The villagers welcomed them with open arms and shared stories of their traditions and culture.
One day, Sam decided to explore the nearby woods. He walked deeper into the forest, following a small trail. The air was filled with the fragrance of pine and wildflowers. Sam felt a sense of adventure and freedom as he wandered through nature’s wonderland.
As he walked, he spotted a family of deer grazing peacefully in a clearing. He watched them silently, not wanting to disturb the serene moment. Later, he came across a river where he dipped his feet in the cool water, feeling refreshed.
With each passing day, Sam fell more in love with the village and its surroundings. He made friends with the local children and learned traditional songs and dances. The days passed like a dream, and Sam knew that this summer vacation would be an adventure of a lifetime, filled with beautiful memories.
Answer the following Questions:
- Where was Sam heading for his family trip?
- How did the villagers welcome Sam and his family?
- What did Sam experience as he explored the nearby woods?
- What did Sam do when he came across the family of deer?
- How did Sam feel about his summer vacation in the village?
- Sam was heading to a remote village nestled among the mountains for his family trip.
- The villagers welcomed Sam and his family with open arms and shared stories of their traditions and culture.
- As Sam explored the nearby woods, he felt a sense of adventure and freedom, surrounded by the fragrance of pine and wildflowers.
- When Sam came across the family of deer, he watched them silently, not wanting to disturb their peaceful moment.
- Sam felt enchanted and fell in love with the village and its surroundings. He made friends with the local children and had an adventure of a lifetime, filled with beautiful memories.
Passage 13: The Magical Bookstore
In the heart of the town, there was a small and dusty bookstore that hardly caught anyone’s attention. One day, a curious young girl named Emma wandered inside. The store’s owner, Mr. Thompson, greeted her with a warm smile.
Emma explored the narrow aisles filled with books of all shapes and sizes. As she reached the back corner, she noticed a dusty and ancient-looking book. Its cover was adorned with intricate patterns, and the title seemed to shimmer in the dim light.
“May I see this book?” Emma asked Mr. Thompson.
“Ah, that’s a special book,” he replied. “It’s said to hold magical stories from far-off lands.”
Intrigued, Emma opened the book, and as she turned the pages, she was transported to different worlds. She encountered mystical creatures, brave adventurers, and enchanted forests. The stories came to life around her, and she felt like she was a part of each tale.
Emma spent hours reading the magical book, completely captivated by its wonders. When she finally closed it, she thanked Mr. Thompson and promised to return soon.
From that day on, Emma visited the bookstore regularly, immersing herself in the magical stories that took her on unforgettable journeys.
Answer the following Questions:
- What caught Emma’s attention in the small bookstore?
- How did Mr. Thompson describe the special book to Emma?
- What did Emma experience when she opened the magical book?
- What kind of stories did Emma encounter in the book?
- How did Emma feel about the magical book?
- Emma was caught by the dusty and ancient-looking book in the back corner of the small bookstore.
- Mr. Thompson described the special book as one that holds magical stories from far-off lands.
- When Emma opened the magical book and turned the pages, she was transported to different worlds, encountering mystical creatures, brave adventurers, and enchanted forests.
- Emma encountered magical stories from far-off lands that included mystical creatures, brave adventurers, and enchanted forests.
- Emma was completely captivated by the magical book and its wonders. She felt like she was a part of each tale and visited the bookstore regularly to immerse herself in the stories.
Passage 14: The Mystery of the Missing Key
In the old mansion on Willow Street, there was a hidden room that no one knew about. The room was rumored to hold a precious treasure protected by a mysterious key. Many had tried to find the key, but all had failed.
One day, a brave group of friends decided to solve the mystery. Alex, the leader, was known for their problem-solving skills. Amelia, an expert in ancient history, provided valuable insights. Max, with their keen sense of observation, noticed small details others missed. And Mia, the youngest of the group, had an uncanny ability to find hidden objects.
They searched every corner of the mansion, following clues and deciphering riddles. As they explored, they encountered secret passages and locked doors, each requiring a different puzzle to unlock.
After hours of searching, Mia spotted a faint symbol etched on the wall. It matched a symbol in one of Amelia’s history books. They realized it was the clue they needed to find the key.
With newfound determination, they followed the trail of symbols and reached the hidden room. Inside, they found an old chest, and Alex used the key to unlock it. To their amazement, it was filled with ancient artifacts and precious jewels.
The friends were overjoyed by their discovery, and they decided to share their findings with the town’s museum, preserving the treasures for everyone to enjoy.
Answer the following Questions:
- What was rumored to be hidden in the old mansion on Willow Street?
- Who were the members of the brave group trying to solve the mystery?
- How did the group search for the missing key?
- What clue did Mia discover, and how did they use it?
- What did the friends find inside the hidden room, and what did they decide to do with their discovery?
- The old mansion on Willow Street was rumored to hold a precious treasure protected by a mysterious key.
- The members of the brave group trying to solve the mystery were Alex, Amelia, Max, and Mia.
- The group searched for the missing key by exploring every corner of the mansion, following clues, and deciphering riddles.
- Mia discovered a faint symbol etched on the wall, which matched a symbol in one of Amelia’s history books. They used this clue to find the key.
- Inside the hidden room, the friends found an old chest filled with ancient artifacts and precious jewels. They decided to share their discovery with the town’s museum, preserving the treasures for everyone to enjoy.
You can also check out English Unseen Passages for other classes.